Round 13 Whack

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How'd you like that challenge, contestants? I figured it was about time to let you guys do something less crazy. Anyway, as you guys remember, Bleach Bottle won last round's Advantage, which means he got to choose which two contestants would be up for elimination this round, and everyone else would be safe.

So, without further ado, the two contestants up for elimination are...

...Takeout Coffee and Times New Roman.

"But wait," you may be saying. "What about the challenge? Didn't someone win immunity?"

And you'd be right; someone did. In fact, if either Takeout Coffee or Times New Roman won this challenge, Bleach Bottle's chosen back-up would take their place on the chopping block. However, with a score of 45/50, Contestant #17, Chocolate Bar, won this challenge. Chocolate Bar, since your immunity this round is pointless, I'll award you an Immunity Token instead.

Normally, you guys would be free to vote for whoever you want. However, this round, everyone must vote for either Takeout Coffee or Times New Roman to be eliminated. DM me your vote before the 20th of January, three days from now. See you soon!

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