Round 9 Write: Pay the Price, Play the Cards

98 0 5

—————The Story—————

Welcome to Round 9, everyone! As I'm sure you've all definitely noticed, the obvious locked door next to the breakfast buffet which I definitely told all of you about is finally unlocked. It leads down to a dimly-lit basement with two round tables, four chairs circling one and seven circling the other, and neon strips of light along the walls. In the center of each table, you'll find a box containing a few decks of cards, some poker chips, and other various gambling supplies.

So...feeling lucky, contestants?

—————The Challenge—————

First, you must win one casino game of your choice against your team. That's right; each of you will partake in a preliminary round in which you must beat your teammates in a casino game of your choice. You could play poker, blackjack, roulette—it's up to you. (If you don't like gambling, there's a pool table near the staircase you can use.)

Next, you must play a casino game against the other winner. Again, you can play gambling games like poker and blackjack (in which case I'd be the dealer), or you can play pool if you're uncomfortable with gambling.

—————The Rules—————

• You must write a story detailing first how you win a casino game of your choice against your teammates, then a story detailing how you play a casino game (the same as the first or a different one, doesn't matter) against the other winner.

• You can write about practically anything in your story (pulling tools out of your non-existent pockets, flying, using magic, etc.), including your fellow contestants. However, the general landscape of reality must not be shattered, bent, changed, etc. by the end of it.

[+] The above rule being said, you may not cheat. You are subject to the same rules as the game you're playing.

[+] No violence. This is a casino royale, not a bar fight.

• Stories are due by the 30th of October, eighteen days from now.

• If all stories are submitted early, then I may start the Whack phase early as well.

• Any violation of these rules will result in an automatic Rank 48.

If you have any questions about the challenge, don't be afraid to ask me. If I feel like it's of general interest to the rest of the contestants, I'll add it here.

—————The Goal—————

This round's goal: BIGGEST PLOT TWIST

Notice how in the challenge rules, the first bolded statement says you have to win the game, while the second only said you have to play it. You don't have to win the second game, which means you can come up with some nice twist endings. Remember, these objects aren't winning immunity based on their challenge performances anyway. You can make me think you'll win and then make yourself lose, or vice versa.

That being said, I will be expecting a twist ending (after all, I am the one giving out the challenge). Try to outsmart me. The team with the lowest average rank will be up for elimination.

—————The Prizes—————

✓ Rank 1: +5 Basic Tokens.
✓ Rank 2: +4 Basic Tokens.
✓ Rank 3: +3 Basic Tokens.
✓ Rank 4: +2 Basic Tokens.
✓ Rank 5: +1 Basic Token.
• Ranks 6–24: Nothing.

✓ Team Rank 1: +2 Basic Tokens.
Team Rank 2: Up for elimination.

—————The Lesson—————

Writing a plot twist is basically kinda like writing an anticlimactic ending, like you did in Round 2. The only difference is that you also have to flesh out the ending. So, there's not really a big lesson here. Really, this is going to be more of a test, I guess: see how well you can combine the lessons from the Warm-Up and Round 2.

Good luck, contestants! Ready, set, write!

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