The Final Write: The Many Miles We Walked, the Many Things We Learned

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Welcome, everyone, to the true final challenge of the season! Placeholder and Times New Roman, it's time to prove your pen prowess once and for all by competing for the Silver Point!

I've received the Jury's challenge ideas, and I've randomly and anonymously picked one. Get ready, finalists, to see what they have in store for you, shall we?

—————The Story—————

When I first created the Sky Stadium, I made it to be a place where you contestants could have fun. Let loose, be yourselves without anyone judging, have fun, etc. Away from the rest of the world, where you could relax a bit for a year. Sure, there was some danger, and sure, there's a lot of in-universe money at the end of it, and sure, some of you spent almost a year in space, but it's better than society. You all competed against each other, teamed up, voted against each other, wrote stories, and gave life to new universes and characters of your own all in the span of little over a year.

So let me ask you: was it worth it?

Was it worth all this time and effort?

Did you make a difference?

Did you accomplish what you want to?

And who really won?

The Sky Stadium was a place, a haven for all of you to practice your writing and your skills in peace and in relative solitude, with a hint of guidance along the way; training wheels, if you will, or—to add a bit of poetic flair—to shine light into darkness. I created this camp as a way of not only having fun with all of you, but also training you (to an extent) to become better writers. Now, I'm satisfied that you've done just that.

So it's time to take the training wheels off.

Placeholder, Times New Roman, your final challenge of Season 1

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Placeholder, Times New Roman, your final challenge of Season to destroy the Sky Stadium.

—————The Challenge—————

Work together to destroy the Sky Stadium in whatever way you see fit.

That's right: work together. Not literally; you don't have to collaborate on your entries if you don't want to. But in your entry, you're not fighting or trying to hinder the other finalist; you're working with them to destroy the stadium.

Near the edge of the forest, the 22 other contestants and I are waiting on the coast with the sunrise behind us. There's a yacht near us waiting to take you two and all of the rest of us back to civilization.

At the start of the challenge, you're both just waking up, and I've left a note near each of your beds with all of these challenge rules, as well as a parachute. Once you've both destroyed the stadium, you must parachute down to the coast where we are.

—————The Rules—————

• You must write a story detailing how you work with the other finalist to destroy the stadium and escape via parachute to the coast where we are.

• You can write about practically anything in your story (pulling tools out of your non-existent pockets, flying, using magic, etc.), including your fellow contestants. However, the general landscape of reality must not be shattered, bent, changed, etc. by the end of it.

[+] You must work together in all parts of your entry. Not literally; you don't have to collaborate if you don't want to. But your characters themselves must work together.

[+] You MUST PARACHUTE DOWN together. No flying, no teleportation, no magic, etc. to escape. The parachutes are functional, but they are slow. This is on purpose; I recommend listening to a certain four-minute and nine-second song (or three-minute and eleven-second, depending on whether you prefer the full or cut version) on your way down.

[+] You must arrive together. No race to the coast. I want to see both of you coming in alive and well. That's the way it is.

[+] On your way down, you must recall at least seven SERIOUS quotes from your fellow contestants. No funny business here. I'd prefer real quotes, but if you have to resort to making them up, then so be it. Feel free to recall more if you feel like it.

• Stories are due by the 30th of June, two weeks from now.

• If both stories are submitted early, then I may announce the winner early as well.

• Any violation of these rules will result in automatically being disqualified from receiving the Silver Point.

If you have any questions about the challenge, don't be afraid to ask me. If I feel like it's of general interest to the rest of the contestants, I'll add it here.

—————The Goal—————

This round's goal: BEST OVERALL

It's time for the true ultimate test. The finalist with the best story overall will win the Silver Point and be crowned the winner of WTFORC Season 1!

—————The Prizes—————

✓ Whoever has the best story: The Silver Point and the title of WTFORC Season 1 Winner.

—————The Lesson—————

Finalists, may the wind be at your back and good fortune touch your hand. May the cards lay out a straight all from your command.

Once again, it's time to combine everything you've learned until now. Like I said, you've both written well to get up to this point—now it's time to show your talent to the world one more time.

So for the final time this season, good luck, finalists! Ready, set, write!

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