Round 20: Finale Part 2

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#8 — Placeholder (@Demonvampire987)


My mind finally caught up with me. Was this it? The Final Challenge?

Get to The Stadium First.

Alright, I just have to do the same as I did the first time. With my new Alien Plasma Cannon(Not actually railgun like I thought) and my trusty Shotgun: I can sore to the stadium through the recoil with no problem!

As I aimed the Plasma Cannon to the ground, acting like I know the first thing about trajectory, I felt...Numb. Oh No, Don't tell me-

A gloomy transparent floaty figure phased through the floor: inches away from me-



I flew out the abandoned airport through a now-broken window. My eyes locked on the image of the Ghost as it shrank from my perspective. I turned my face mid-air to see where I was heading to.

The land I flew past seems so...small. I might not have the rest of my body, but these are the few times I felt...Big. Like I conquer anything that stands in my path to victory. A feeling that-I never got to experience.

Everytime I felt like falling: I'd take my shotgun to propel myself again in the air.

After soaring over a good chunk of the Planet. I felt...Heavy. Like something was trying to drag me down. A few quick sparks of purple started radiating through me as I began falling faster.

"Oh God! Oh God! Wait..." As I was falling faster, I can see that I was hurtling towards a familiar building.

"Crest Buy!?"

*CRASH* "AH!" *CLANK* "UGH!" *CRACK* "OH-HO HO HO!" I rolled into the top floor of the store.

"Ah...Ah..My non-existent ears are hot-" I panted. I heard foot-steps walking toward me. I recognize the robe stitched with aprons out of anywhere-

"Traveler! So the message is true!"

"Hey! You're the preacher that gave me the HotDog Men! How have you been? I thought you'd be gone-"

"Oh dear...What have you done for yourself?" He looked concerned.

"Huh? Oh, right: I was just flying by and then gravity wanted to be a dick today-"

"Not that! Why did Happy HotDog Man give me one last message to help you escape from your impending doom!?"

"What do you mean-"

Just then, a bunch of hotdogs started flying out of the nearby minifridge: they flow into a pattern that resembles a mouth.

PlaceHolder, you sorry fool. It spoke to me. Happy HotDog Man: This is the first time he spoke to me in person and not in a white plane.

"My Lord! Why have you brought me to assist this PlaceHolder once again?" The preacher called out to him.

My disciple here has made a mistake to mess with forces not even I would dare cross.

"Are you talking about that altar I blew up with my Plasma Cannon by accident? Then the ghost showed up and started chasing me?"

The altar donned a woman with 4 arms on each side and a snake tongue Correct?


Her name is Kali: A Goddess of Blood. She's existed longer than I have. She takes sacrifices in exchange for physical goods. But destroying her sacrificial altars is an act of defilement and punishes the defiler accordingly. That Ghost you saw: is her primary servant. Relentlessly chasing the target until she captures it and they simply disappear without a trace: Assumingly now at Kali's mercy.

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