Warm-Up Write: Take to the Sky!

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—————The Story—————

Congratulations, [YOUR OBJECT'S NAME HERE], on being accepted as one of 24 contestants in the first season of WTFORC! All you need to do now is make your way to the camp's location and check in.

And I'm glad you asked where the camp's location is, because Season 1 of WTFORC is taking place at the Sky Stadium: a giant sports stadium kept aloft by an anti-gravity core at 10,000 feet (about 3,048 meters) above a lush green forest. It features an open ceiling, a football pitch (or as we freedom-lovers in God-blessed 'MURICA like to call it, a soccer field), and the apartment building where you'll all be staying—which, by the way, I made room for by ripping out an entire side of the bleachers and blasting it into space. (Relax, it was a short side.) And don't worry about thin air; an invisible barrier around the stadium keeps all that precious pressurized oxygen inside (even though physical things can still pass through it).

—————The Challenge—————

This first round's actually a two-parter! The first part of this challenge is to write an audition for the camp. This audition, in-universe, is what got your object into the camp, so make sure it's good!

In the audition, tell us what your object's name is, what they look like, and ways they would describe themselves. Also, tell us about some of their interests, important events in their life, and prominent character traits. Finally, tell us why your object wants to join the camp and anything more about your object that you think would be interesting (and that would fit in the word count). The audition is, as of now, one of the only two planned challenges to have a MINIMUM word count.

The next half of the challenge is to write about the journey your object took to the camp's location. At the start of this part, your object is standing in their bedroom (or bedroom equivalent) reading their acceptance letter, and they haven't prepared to leave at all.

Some ideas: write about how your object packs their bags and tidies up their house (or house equivalent). Write about the last few communications and conversations your object has with other objects before leaving for the airport (or however they want to get there). Write about the actual traveling your object did to the Sky Stadium and the experiences they went through on the way. And a quick note: if your object travels to the stadium via a high-speed aerial transportation vehicle (a plane, for example), then it's extremely important they remember that there is NO runway on the stadium! (So for example, to get into the stadium from a plane, your object could jump out of the plane and parachute down.)

—————The Rules—————

Note: All the basic rules will be marked with a bullet (•). These rules will generally apply, in some form or another, to every challenge. Any challenge-specific rules will be marked with bolded brackets and a plus ([+]).

Part 1

• You must write an audition speech explaining who your character is and why they want to join the camp.

[+] Minimum word count is 50 words.

Part 2

• You must write a story detailing your object's preparation for the camp, as well as their journey to the camp's location itself.

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