Round 18 Wait

20 1 1

Wow. Can you guys believe it? After this chapter, there's only going to be three of you left! And we started this camp with 24! That's insane! You four are four of the best writers in the camp (if not literally, because you're the only four still in the camp), and it's going to be tough to say goodbye to one of you.

But, despite that, the show must go on, and one of you is getting eliminated. Since there's only four of you, I'm gonna go back to the original format of introducing the votes one by one. So, without further ado, here we go!

The first vote was for...


The second vote was for...


The third vote was for...

...Chocolate Bar.

One vote Velv, one vote Placeholder, one vote Chocolate Bar. The contestant who received the fourth and final vote, the 21st contestant to be eliminated, and the 4th-place finisher, is...


In a tense 2–1–1 vote, Contestant #12, Velv (@coloredscribbli), is eliminated. Thanks for playing, and goodbye!

*yeets Velv into space*


Congratulations, Placeholder, Times New Roman, and Chocolate Bar! You've made it to the final three! Super great job!

Only two more challenges lie between you and victory! And the first of those challenges comes out on the 3rd of May—tomorrow. So buckle up!

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