Round 15 Write: I'm in the Stars Tonight

76 1 12

—————The Story—————

We're in Round 15 now! Congratulations to everyone who's made it this far! We're now down to 7 contestants after I yeeted Top Hat into space last round.

And, uh...speaking of being yeeted into space...

—————The Challenge—————

Okay I don't wanna talk about it too much because it's humiliating but long story short I accidentally yeeted myself into space while yeeting Top Hat into space so your challenge this round is to find me and get me back in one piece!

—————The Rules—————

• You must write a story detailing how you go to outer space, find me, and bring me safely and alive back to the Sky Stadium.

• You can write about practically anything in your story (pulling tools out of your non-existent pockets, flying, using magic, etc.), including your fellow contestants. However, the general landscape of reality must not be shattered, bent, changed, etc. by the end of it.

• Stories are due by the 25th of February, two weeks from now.

• If all stories are submitted early, then I may start the Whack phase early as well.

• Any violation of these rules will result in automatically being up for elimination.

If you have any questions about the challenge, don't be afraid to ask me. If I feel like it's of general interest to the rest of the contestants, I'll add it here.

—————The Goal—————

This round's goal: WEIRDEST

Yay, we're reusing yet another goal. Weirdest story wins. The contestant with the highest rank will be immune from elimination.

—————The Prizes—————

✓ Rank 1: Immunity.
Everyone else: Up for elimination.

—————The Lesson—————

I am once again redirecting you to Round 10's """lesson""" and to Grammarly.

Good luck, contestants! Ready, set, write!

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