Round 9 Wait

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The Royal Cowards were up for elimination again. Insert some generic filler sentence here to take up space so I don't reveal all the information right off the bat. Now, let's get to the votes.

The first vote was for...


That was the only manual vote, meaning that the other three votes will be cast for the most inactive player.

Or at least they would be if there wasn't a tie for that title. Potted Plant and Bleach Bottle have both participated in at least three challenges, but Red Button and Magnet have only completed two. To resolve this issue, I called in this round's tiebreaker—Velv, the first-place finisher—to cast the deciding vote.

So, without further ado, in a 3–2 vote...

...Contestant #23, Red Button (@rubric_cube) is eliminated. Thanks for playing, and goodbye!

*yeets Red Button into space*


The Final Merge will occur once Round 11 starts. That means Round 10 (the next round) is the last round in which you can spend your tokens. After Round 10, all of your Basic Tokens will be gone, and you'll only be left with whatever you've purchased. If there's ever been a time to start spending, it's now! (Or the Round 10 Wait, I suppose.)

Your next challenge will come out on the 5th of Novembertomorrow. Until then, see you soon!

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