Round 5 Wait (2)

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All right, I've figured it out. The Whack chapters were way too short, right? Well, I've figured out how to solve that problem and probably a bunch of other minor ones.

Starting in Round 6, I'm going to remove the Wait 1 phase from the competition. The reason is that Wait 1 was meant to be the time for socialization and purchasing Tokens, but I realized that the Whack phase is now the longest phase (besides Write) and people aren't prohibited from doing those things during the Whack phase anyway. Plus, I think it makes more sense to announce who's up for elimination in that phase. And once I decided to allow "early voting", Wait 1 just became kinda pointless and a waste of a day.

So, I'm removing Wait 1. All the stuff I normally say in Wait 1 will instead be in Whack from now on. Wait 2 will now just be Wait.

You guys got all that? Good. Now it's time to get to the main stuff—yeeting another contestant into space.

[insert name here] placed last in the last challenge, and The Royal Cowards decided to put Takeout Coffee and Candy Wrapper up for elimination. So, without further ado, let's read the votes.

The first vote was for...

...Candy Wrapper.

The second vote was for...

...Takeout Coffee.

The third vote was for...

...Candy Wrapper.

The fourth and final vote was for...

...Candy Wrapper.

In a 3–1 vote, Contestant #11, Candy Wrapper (@Bl00g3r_Lov3rr), is eliminated. Thanks for playing, and goodbye!

*yeets Candy Wrapper into space*


And Takeout Coffee, you live to write another day. Congratulations! (Now get your team together, because you only have three people left and I really don't want to have to make this another stereotypical two-team object competition.)

Also, I've got one more announcement. I've done the math, and if I want to get this camp finished in 20 rounds, I need to start whittling people down faster. Therefore, next round will not be a reward challenge—instead, it'll just be a normal elimination challenge. It'll come out on the 30th of July—tomorrow.

Until then, see you soon!

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