Chapter 5

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Chapter 5- At The End Of The Day

"Can I see them? Please! Please!" You pleaded to your Da, who was exhausted from trying to help your Ma to deliver

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"Can I see them? Please! Please!" You pleaded to your Da, who was exhausted from trying to help your Ma to deliver.
"Yes hun... yes yer can," He smiled tiredly and showed you the way to the nursery, where Ma was with a few Prickleboggles, who were checking on the eggs.

"Ma! Are yer okay?" You asked worriedly, and she gave an exhausted sighed and small smile.
"Yes little one, I was too busy trying to calm yer Da down," She joked, making you giggle and your Da to whine.

"I was worried! What if you got hurt!! I was being helpful!" He dramatically said and clapped his wings.
"Yer passed out," Ma bluntly said, but you were busy walking slowly at the eggs, eyes wide and filled with wonder.

"Hi..." You mumbled. Three eggs, next to each other with comfort. You got closer to the eggs, wanting to hear the dragons inside. But just as you made for act with the eggs, a shock went through you from your nose.

"Ow!" You yelled and backed away from the eggs, holding your nose in your paws.
"They shocked me!" You whined to your Da and Ma, who gave small laughed and placed a paw on your head.

"That wasn't them, little one. Yer imprinted," Da said, and you tilted your head in confusion.
"What does that mean?" You asked them.
"It's also called A Dragon's Trust, where a dragon chooses anything to be their life long friend. Whether it's an inanimate object, other dragons, or other living beings," You heard your Aunt Stormfly.

"Wait, does that mean-"
"Yer chose yer siblings to be yer friend for life," Your Ma smiled and licked your head.
"Woah..." You trailed off, turning to look at your siblings', eggs still and nestled in their beds.

"Have yer ever had that, Ma? Da?" You asked them as you laid down next to the eggs.
"I personally haven't, but yer Da sure did," Ma nudged your Da, who gave a small smile, but you noticed some emotion in his eyes.

"So did I," Aunt Stormfly piped in, rubbing her head against you.
"Where are they?" The three paused, looking at each other before your Da cleared his throat.
"They... had to leave for their families. They needed them safe," He whispered, tucking you into bed.

"Do yer miss them?" You asked one more time, and he stared into your eyes, before giving you a smile once again.

"Yeah... I do,"


'Shit,' You dunked your head into the pond, trying to wash away the feeling on your face.
'I imprinted, I imprinted!! On a human!!' Your thought went wild with panic rising up, and you tried to shake your head.

'I can't imprint on a human! Nevertheless one I just met! That's so cliche to the stories Auntie Meatlug tells me! Why do I have to be an idiot and get caught by that trap?!' You let out a whine and collapsed on the floor, tears threatening to spill.

You hummed your lullaby, wanting to calm down, trying to see if this was a bad dream.
'This is just that, a nightmare. Please wake up, please wake up....' You opened your eyes again, but sighed in defeat.

You rolled to your side and stared at nothing, trying to come up with your next plan.
'A Dragon's Trust, first rule about it, is that you must allow the other to imprint back, if not, it'll be nothing,' You thought, and nodded.

'I just need to avoid the human, and I'll go home,' He declared, but then stopped, looking back at the cave opening, thinking about that human.
'But, he saved me. That was because I imprinted. I can't just...' You gave out a groan, fighting with your brain.

'Maybe... maybe just a few more days won't be so bad...' You thought, and sighed.
'Winger could probably distract them for one more day... But they don't know which direction I went to, I could pull this off!' You stood up, and stalked out of your cave, looking up into the sky.

'Few more days... and that's it,'


Izuku swung the bag into the trash can, sighing as his muscles were absolutely sore.
'Just 11 months, and you'll be UA,' He thought, arching his back to let out a satisfying pop. Just then, he heard rustling in the woods, and he turned around to try and see what was behind him.

He scanned through the woods, and saw nothing there.
'Man, wished it was the dr-' His thoughts soon broke as he turned back around, as he saw eyes staring right into his own.

"Ah!" He yelled, taking a step back, but stopped as he realized it was you.
"Y-you! You came back!" He said with a big smile, and got a better look at you.

Even in a human like form, you show your dragon legs proudly, with some sort of Viking clothing. Skin was covered in scales, and your eyes...
'Beautiful,' Izuku thought, but felt embarrassed that he thought of that.

Just then, you slowly opened your mouth, and he watched carefully as he waited for you to speak, so he could hear what you sound like, what you might say about himself, if you're really a villain, what your name is, what-




"My name is Izuku! I-zu-ku!" He mouthed out, pointing at his lips and slowly pronounced his name. You huffed a little, and opened your mouth. Currently, you both were sitting on piles of trash at the beach, where no one couldn't bother either of you.

"ቻጌነጌጕሠጌዕጌሁል," Izuku sighed from the lack of understanding you both had in languages. You, on the other hand, was also struggling with this.
"ꪖꫝ𝓳ꪊ𝘴᥇ꪀ𝘬ꪖ᥇," The human kept saying, and you simply made a growl that meant you were getting frustrated.

"Okay, let's try this," Izuku mumbled, and pulled out the dragon book. He flipped pages until he stopped at Strike Class, where he then turned it.
"You see this? This is a Night Fury, are you a Night Fury?" He pointed at the picture, and you just stared at it.

"If you could say this, you could have this," He opened a container he had and revealed more fish. Your ears perked up as you wanted to eat it, but Izuku held you back.
"Not so fast! Try and at least say Night Fury," He pointed to the picture one more time.

'I think he wants know know if I'm a...' You cleared your throat and tried to copy what he was saying. Izuku was not giving up. He didn't know why he was so persistent on helping you, but something that night sparked something in him.

Something that will surprise him.

"ክክ... ክIgዘt... ቻuዪ...ury," Izuku's mouth dropped and he accidentally let go of the fish. You tilted your head and dove for the fish, scarfing it down in seconds.
"What did you say?" He mumbled as you stood up again.

"ክ... nጎጎ, i gዘዘt... ቻfu... ry..." You choked out, and pointed at the drawing in his book.
"Yes! This is a night fury!" Izuku was becoming  hopeful, wishing that you would say it again.
'Just one more time...'

"Night... Fury..."

"I trained a dragon..." Izuku whispered, a breathless laugh soon came out as a big smile grew.
"I taught a dragon how to talk!!" He shouted in the sky, making you flinch and hiss.
"Oop! Sorry! Loud noises," He stammered and

"𝓲 ꪀ𝘴ꪀ 𝓽ꪖꪊᧁꫝ𝓽 ꪖ ᦔ𝘳ꪖᧁꪮꪀ!" The human beamed, making you think that you said it right. That made you smile, quickly catching on what he's trying to mean.
'I think he's asking if I'm a Night Fury,' You guessed, and you shook your head at the picture, which made him confused until you pointed at yourself.

"I... Night... Light..."

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