Chapter 19

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Chapter 19- Threats and Defense

"You brought us here, now what?" Izuku gulped, as you stared at Todoroki with cautious eyes

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"You brought us here, now what?" Izuku gulped, as you stared at Todoroki with cautious eyes. You didn't know what he was going to do, but you were prepared to fight.
"I was overwhelmed, and it made me break the promise I made to myself a long time ago,"

"Iida and Kaminari, Yaoyorozu and Tokoyami, Uraraka, none of them felt it. In that moment,  I was the only one who could sense your true power. It reminded of something, experiencing All night's quirk," In all honesty, you have no idea what Todoroki was talking about.

'Is he talking about Zuku's power? What does tho have to do with me?' You thought.
"Is that all?" Izuku narrowed his eyes.

"I'm saying, the power coming from you felt the same as Allmight's," You felt Izuku stiffen, which made you slightly raise your tail, just in case you need to push him away from Todoroki.

"Midoriya, tell me," He looked at the bushy haired boy with a cold glare.

"Are you his love child?"

'He looks nothing like him, are humans on eel slime or something?' You blanked out for a moment, but shook your head. Izuku immediately denied it, but the half boy kept on talking.

"My father, Endeavor, always reaches for the top, but couldn't use his quirk to surpass Allmight, so he choose a different approach." He said. You don't know all of the heroes, so you don't really know who he was referring to.

"Have you two heard of quirk marriages?" You both shook your heads so he continued on with his cold speech.
"The problem that became a problem after the fourth and fifth generation of quirks appearing. It's choosing a potential mate for yourself to make stronger children from your quirks," He explained.

"Passing it down for your quirks to become stronger, it's like an old fashion arranged marriage." You thought for a moment.
'Like being betrothed to another dragon. That tradition stopped thousands of years ago, so it was only recent in the Hidden World. No one was happy in the courtship,' You thought, remembering how uncle Cloudjumper was forced into one as a child.

"My man is both of power and money, and bought my mother's relatives and got ahold of her quirk" You looked at him with a sympathetic look.
'It was like that before, but it caused problems in the gene pool. That's why they stopped,' You hummed a little.

"My memories were filled with my mother crying 'your left side is horrible' she said to me, before... before she poured boiling water on my eye" You suddenly widened your eyes.
'His... own mother? You subconsciously placed a hand on the scales around your neck, resembling white scales that was passed down by your Ma.

'I don't think I would ever live the same if Ma did that to me,' You slightly gulped.
"I reason I declared war on you was because I could show him what I could do with using his quirk," He told Izuku.

"But I now have bigger problems because of you," He hissed, and suddenly turned to you.
"Earlier, he told me to bash you into the ground, to rip the wings off of your body. He doesn't like it that UA has a villain in the school as part of the students," You furrowed your eyebrows, before realizing something.

'That fire hero who tried to basically kill me, is his father. No wonder he hates him,' You thought.
"Wait, hey now-" Izuku frowned at the sudden threat onto you, but Todoroki continued.
"After this is over, I will do just that," He glared at you, turning to walk away.

"I won't be doing it because he told me, I'll be doing it because I will prove I'm stronger than any creature out there, dragon or not," And with that, he left.
"(Y/N), are you okay?" Izuku mumbled to you, placing a hand on your shoulder.
'He... really is stupid,' You blinked a little.

'Declaring war on a dragon, if he had anymore brain cells, he would have known what happened to the other humans who tried to wipe out dragons in history books... then again, they have powers now, and more humans populate this planet than before, his threat will be treated seriously. I won't let him take a dragon down, it'll be a sign that no dragons will be messed with without any consequences,'

"I'm fine," You turned to Izuku with a small smile.
"Let's just go ahead and get something to eat, alright?" You asked. He hesitated a little, trying to see any other emotions on your face, but nodded anyways.

"Okay, let's try something new, I don't think they have fish,"

"It doesn't hurt to try,"


You tilted your head at the sight of the female classmates wearing some short cut outfits.
'We left for five minutes, and this is what we came back to,' You were looking for too long, and made eye contact with the female human named Jiro, who's face turned beat red and looked away.

You looked down at your hoodie, before shrugging and pulled it off of you. You walked over to her and stretched your arms out to hand over the hoodie.
"Ye seem uncomfortable, this hoodie is big on me, so it should cover ye," You mumbled, handing it to her.

She stared at the hoodie in disbelief, before looking up at you with small tears in your eyes.
"Thank you," She whispered, before pulling over over her head.
"Female dragons are very confident in what they wear, but I guess humans aren't, and that's okay," You smiled at her.

Izuku smiled at the kindness you showed, but it faltered a little when he saw Jiro's face heat up and your actions. Uraraka looked over at you, seeing what you looked like underneath the hoodie.
'Oh wow, they sure have muscles,' She noted, but felt her face feeling hot.



"Starting off with Class 1-A's Izuku Midoriya!! And General studies student who haven't been in he spotlight yet, Hitoshi Shinso!!" You sat with the other classmates, looking down at the arena where Izuku and another human names Shinso stood.

"It's fascinating, watching power coming from each human and how they use it as their advantage. While some are flashy and powerful, some require concentration or physical touch in order to work, I'm intrigued on what this human is capable of," You mumbled.

"And begin!!" Izuku stared at Shinso and he started to talk.
"You ready to fight?" He asked. Izuku said nothing and stood there, remembering what Ojiro told him.
'Don't talk back, and you'll be good,' He thought.

"Not saying anything, eh? It's just like what that Bakugo said, nothing but a coward," Izuku furrowed his eyebrows, but still didn't say anything. Shinso looked around the scene with his eyes, and shifted upward to spot someone in the crowd.

"I pity that dragon,"

Seeing Izuku freeze up, that made the purple haired boy smirk.
'Gotcha,' He thought, continuing to talk.
"I don't see why UA gave you permission to bring your pet everywhere, are they a service animal?" He taunted, and Izuku clenched his fists together.

"I heard what they're capable of, so why are they around someone like you? I bet you threatened them, blackmail, why else are they your 'friend'? I bet you that if they had the chance, they could drop you like a hat if they truly know who weak you really are. Nothing but a monster,"

That caused Izuku to growl and charge at Shinso.
"Don't you ever talk about them that like!! I'll k-!" Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks, a blank look on his face. Shinso grinned as you tilted your head in confusion, seeing Izuku no longer moving.

"Agh! I told him not to say anything!" You turn to the human Ojiro, and turned back, narrowing your eyes to see Izuku's eyes white. You put two and two together.
'Just like a Changwing! It has the ability to hypnotize others! A dangerous skill to claim, and more so an unfortunate one to fight against,' Your eyes widened.

'Izuku, yer going to lose!'

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