School Supply Shopping

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Hyewon's POV:

My driver picked us up right after we finished eating in the café, yes, she ate her cake after telling her about the plans I made. Smol Unnie was happy that I'll take Minju to shop for her school supplies, she said she couldn't offer her help to Minju cause she had to be in her Maternal Side's shop on Sunday. She allowed us to skip the day and make sure to go home after and stay in our dorm. The morning was eventful and we had scolding matches, it was something I hated, as a Kang, I wasn't scolded by my teachers or anyone else for that matter. I was always a Straight A+ student. I was always in the right side of things, I even love the right side. My parents are strict, they seem to be not happy with me. So they always took one of my two siblings to a party while I stayed home to study. The Kang Hotel around Korea had some business dealings with Minju's parents and Chaeyeon's parents. If she was really the Kim Minju my parents raved about. The Kim Minju who plays the piano, while I learned the guitar on my own, taking up piano lessons for my parents. A Kang like me, was supposed to learn the piano for these business deals for the family.

I looked out the window as my driver sped by roads, cars and establishments. The silence between Minju and I is comfortable. It was bold of her earlier this morning to own up to her mistakes. It was something I wasn't accustomed to, not even by any chance would one of my friends will apologize to me. It was that situation when I choose to be alone letting the moment cool down before processing my anger and apologizing. Cause as much as I don't think anything of it, the fact that they are my friends always wins in my heart. I was wondering about things for this school year when Minju spoke to me, her voice barely a whisper but I caught it, cause her voice is quite unique.

"Can I ask you, why you don't appear in the parties my parents have?" She asked me.

"Cause, I was busy with school, a straight A+ Student like me doesn't have the time to go to parties. My Unnie and the younger one will attend those parties. I only attended when it's done in our house." I replied to her.

"Oh. I never saw you, I was having thoughts that maybe you belonged to a different Kang family. Your Sister Hye-Yeon and little brother Kyeong-Woo were really a nice duo." She replied.

"Like what I said, I'm busy in school, being the class president and student council president on top of my academics, kept me unbelievably busy. I happened to belong to the Pilot Section, where the competition amongst students are tight. I had a classmate who even cried from the stress she felt studying for our exams." I replied with a chuckle.

"Wow! For your entire middle school? Gosh! That'll look great on your resume even if you owned your own company, I only excelled in certain skills, my Oppa was the most personable one out of us two." She replied.

"Yeah, for the entire middle school and even now as I entered High School last year. I was always class president and student council president. I've made several projects for the school. Bokwang Middle School is now a beautiful school, Hanlim last year had changes too, with the cafeteria food, cause they used to serve crappy food." I replied to her.

"What are your plans now? Are you running for council president this year too?" She asked me.

"I'm thinking of focusing on my grades, to get to a college, I plan to go to Seoul University, second choice is Harvard and the Third Yale or the fourth Princeton." I replied to her.

"Oh. You wanted so many colleges, I'm sure you'll get in." She replied to me.

"Now, I'm not sure about getting in to any of those Universities, cause I'm a part of the debuting team now, I'll just try to work hard for us to debut. Studies could wait, they're always there." I replied to her.

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