Good bye, Kwak Haneul †

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TW: This Chapter contains mentions of suicide bombing, death and wanting to commit suicide, if you are squeamish, please feel free to move on to the next chapter where another death scene awaits or better yet, stop reading my story and expecting not to read about deaths. 🤣😂✌️ I'm kidding. ✌️🤣😂 For real though, I'm sorry, I needed to write this chapter, it's part of how Forelsket came to be. 🥺😭 I hate killing people too, so please forgive me, something better will happen as the story progresses, it'll be a roller coaster ride and I am here to tell you that story.

Hyewon's POV:

It was Springtime in May, Twenty Second of May. When I woke up to news about the Ariana Grande Manchester Concert Bombing news, it was how do I say this? It was all surreal, this couldn't be happening, I spoke with Haneul Appa the night before, she was excited to see Ariana up close in the backstage of the said concert, cause she scored tickets for the said concert. Why?? Why did that f*ckng bomber go to the Ariana Grande Concert in Manchester? Where Haneul Appa was, we monitored the news of the said concert. I waited for Haneul Appa's phone number to call me, her iPhone would go online by now, it was a surreal experience of impatiently waiting until a wail was heard out of our shared dorm with Seri Eomma, since Haneul Appa went back to Italy to continue her studies and shift to Journalism as her course, I moved into Seri Eomma's dorm, together with Minju, Chaeyeon and Seri Eomma shared the room and Minju and I shared the other room with her Queen sized mattress now on the floor and our study tables on the side of the room, another sound of wailing was heard, there was two of them wailing out in the living room. I hurried out of our shared room, Minju was in the Kitchen and was currently drinking her cup of water. I went directly to the living room and asked both Seri Eomma and Chaen who were crying inconsolably in the living room, wailing, the both of them.

"Eomma? What's wrong? Did we hear news about Haneul Appa?" I asked Seri Eomma.

It was met in exchange with a hard wailing and cry from Seri Eomma, I approached her and she fell into my arms, crying a guttural and raw cry, it took a few moments for Seri Eomma to compose herself and shakily inform me of what was causing them to wail and cry inconsolably, I hugged Seri Eomma, encircling her in a hug, my hand went up and down on her back stroking her back.

"H-Han-Haneul... Haneul... S-She died from the blast in the c-concert, the bomber was a r-row behind her." Seri Eomma shakily breathes out the words that shook my world, my galaxies and stars.

"What?! No! No! Aniyo! This is not true! Tell me it isn't true!" I wailed towards Chaeyeon, Chaeyeon who was stuck seemingly in her iPad where the news was flashed in her screen, it was a list of the dead in the Manchester bombing.

There on the list, Third down on the list, written 'Skylar Arden Sarmiento' my world felt like it immediately fell off its orbit, it felt like my planets were misaligned and floated away from me were my stars and moon. Minju arrived at the living room, she looks at Chaen's screen and immediately tears fell down her eyes, she wipes them unceremoniously and quickly captured Chaeyeon in a hug, Chaeyeon had tears falling down her face, I hated the suicide bomber and I sure hated Ariana Grande's Security for not being able to stop the bomber. I similarly captured Seri Eomma in a hug, trying to console her and rubbing her back, cause there was no one else to hug Seri Eomma, the rest of us had to control our downward trajectory fall off our own orbits, we couldn't go down just cause Haneul Appa died, I knew she would hate us if we fell off our orbits and our lives have ended abruptly just cause she died in an instant. I knew we would make it out of this dark phase, when? I have no idea, I shushed Seri Eomma despite me having a hard time myself, Haneul Appa and I have always kept in touch, we shared the same passions of taking photos.

I learned over time how to love the Monochromatic films, she liked most to use on her photos. I also went on and started my collection of Analog Cameras. This together with my collection of gaming consoles were my two passions, I loved the three analog cameras I got from Haneul Appa, she gave me two for my birthday and then the last one her going away from Korea present to me, despite she leaving Korea and going back to Italy and I should be the one to give her a gift, but instead, she gave me a gift from her collection of analog cameras, she also gave three analog cameras to Minju, which Minju uses more often now, than the instant camera I bought for her five birthdays ago, I held Seri Eomma, who became weird and odd over the last two years. She has changed a lot and she has gained an insane amount of weight, if she used to be skinny like Minju, she now has flabs around her legs and her abdominal area.

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