Night Changes †

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TW: This chapter contains a scene that tackles a suicide from a person's point of view. If you are squeamish about the topic, please feel free to skip to the next chapter. Author-nim did not intend to kill people, this work is purely fiction, any similarities to people IRL, I didn't write you up in this story. 🤣😂✌

Minju's POV:

It has been a full week since I permanently moved into Chaeyeon's bed. Seri Eomma moved into Wonnie's bed. I always held Chaen and allowed her to cry her heart out for the loss of Haneul Appa. Seri Eomma grew silent and on days we had practice, she lays flat on the floor, asking Chaen to take it easy on us. Even citing how breathless Mong and I are. Since Haneul Appa left WM, it was as if Haneul Appa took her happiness with her, because she figured she wanted to be a Celebrity Columnist. She wanted to write articles about celebrities. She wanted to write about Seri Eomma. I saw her blog posts about Seri Eomma, when she forwarded her blog post about me, the day after she left WM. It was the first thing she sent me as a message. She had several posts about me, the rest are for Seri Eomma and the others. It was hard to accept that Haneul Appa was already gone, that she won't be back anytime soon, not even a call from her. I somehow regretted the lack of attention I paid towards her. I regretted everything that I have not done to make Haneul Appa feel I love her. I should've called her often, I should've told her I miss her and that Seri Eomma was slowly changing to someone we barely know since she was gone.

Seri Eomma basically stopped cooking for us, she does the bare minimum of scrambled eggs and toast, then she goes back to bed. I never actually minded if we had something to eat or not. Chaeyeon knows how to cook and I also know how to cook my own meals. All this started several months after Haneul Appa left us and went back to Italy and has continued to be this way until now. It was Saturday evening, we managed to keep our spots, despite Chaeyeon crying every single night for the whole week. I cradled her into my arms and allowed her to let all her emotions flow out of her. I was wondering if she will be this way for the rest of her life. I hope she recovers, gad, I pray to any higher power that she survives this ordeal. That she eventually stops crying.

We were getting ready for bed when a knock was heard from our door. I went to open the door and found Seri Eomma, tears in her eyes. She looked utterly lost and dead in this instance. I automatically hugged her, no words were exchanged between the two of us. The hug lingered for a few moments, she eventually said in a bright and energetic tone.

"Good night, my princess Minguring. Take care tomorrow and the next few days." She says in the hug.

"Good night, Eomma. I love you, Eomma. We'll be fine alright? So, let's continue on this flower path we are going through." I replied to her.

"Thank you, My Princess." She replied.

"I'll be going home now." She follows up.

"Eomma, it's already late, please stay here and go tomorrow morning instead." I replied to her.

I heard her hum but she didn't agree nor did she object from the suggestion. She pulls away after lingering for a few moments in the hug. Chaen was watching Eomma and I. Once Eomma pulled away, she approached Chaeyeon and gave her an equally tight hug.

"Babe, take care of yourself okay? Stop crying already. Tomorrow, Haneul will be buried, do your best to accept it okay?" She says to Chaeyeon.

Chaeyeon nods her head slowly.

"I'll be out of here first thing in the morning, I'll be returning home." She follows up to Chaeyeon.

"Okay, Seri Unnie." Chaen replied to her.

"Good night baby. Sleep well and I am not your Unnie. I am your Eomma. Please let me treat you as my child." Seri Eomma replied to her.

Her voice sounded pleading for a last chance. Chaeyeon sighed and replied to her.

Koi No YokanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora