First Chuseok Holiday with Chaen and Mong

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Minju's POV:

It was the first Chuseok Holiday that we will spend with two other families. Mong Oppa and I decided to bring along Chaen for the Chuseok Holiday, because she originally planned to stay at the dorms and sleep the whole day. She did this last year too, so we decided to bring her along with her family at Kang Resort in Yangsan-si. We hauled her together with our family drivers. Bambam and Yugyeom and Moonbin from Eunbi Unnie hauled Chaen into Eunbi Unnie's van. It was a messy thing to do, but seeing her be alone on Chuseok, despite her family being complete during Chuseok, wasn't something that would sit right with us, we already left her alone a year ago and we promised this year we won't let her be alone. Thankfully both of her parents and the rest of our family was excited to gather together. She sat sulkily inside Eunbi Unnie's van as the van travelled down the highway.

Eunbi Unnie looked at her sulky form, she smiled at Chaeyeon like she was a little loose in the head. She proceeded to open Chaeyeon's favorite snack. Spicy flavored Potato Chips. She offered a bite to Chaeyeon, feeding her herself. Chaeyeon tried her best not to take the bite, she was currently tied up by the three drivers. Eunbi Unnie frowns at Chaeyeon and Chaeyeon just looked past her towards Mong Oppa, Mong Oppa looked back to her and an apologetic smile curved up from her lips. A sign that she was sorry to tie her up.

"Jjaeyeon. I'm sorry we had to tie you up. If you promise not to kick Eunbi Unnie and Minjoo, I'll set you free." Mong Oppa told her.

"Then don't set me free, kill me! Come on Kwangbae! Kill me!" Jjaeyeon shouted at her.

"Yah! Jagi! Watch your mouth please. Please don't do this." I replied to her tearfully.

She whips her head back to me and her face changes from resentment to softness.

"Alright, I won't ask you to kill me, but can someone please untie me?! This is so ridiculous!" She screamed at me.

I pouted at her and let out a round of tears.

"Yah! Minjoo-yah! Stop crying! Okay, Okay, can someone please untie me?" She replied in a soft voice.

Very unlike her enraged voice moments ago. A sigh escaped her lips.

"I'm sorry, my Princess. Please untie me." She says in a much softer voice.

It was Eunbi Unnie who untied her ultimately and gave her the bag of spicy potato chips. She took the chips and ate. Eunbi Unnie happily fed herself with her own bag of chocolates, she was busy unwrapping the chocolates. Like Mong Oppa she eats chocolates in a distinct manner. She lines them up on her paper towel before she gobbles everything up. She is cute and adorable like Mong who lines up her gummies and play with them. Chaen quietly eats her chips, handing the pack back and forth between her and Eunbi Unnie. Eunbi Unnie gets some of her chips but she's mostly focused on unwrapping her chocolates.

I smiled at their demeanor, they are like two kids eating peacefully. Eunbi Unnie offered an unwrapped chocolate to Chaeyeon after quite some time of Chaeyeon going back and forth with her bag of chips. I was similarly eating my own bag of chips, same brand of potato chips but mine is Cheddar and Sour Cream flavored chips. Kwangbae Oppa sat quietly, looking at the clouds by her window. Mong Oppa also liked the clouds, much like Haneul Appa who could find clouds that resembled animals, things or people. Four more years and a similar parent who had an affinity with the clouds will come to our lives and she will forever be the Eomma who took us out of the dark tunnel, she will be loved not only by Chaen but everyone in the team.

"Where are we going anyway?" Chaen asked us finally.

"We're going to Yansan-si, to celebrate Chuseok." Eunbi Unnie answered her with a smile.

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