After Kagoshima Trip and a Surprise for Minju

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Hyewon's POV:

It was the Monday evening after all our scheduled activities in Japan, which was MAMA'18 and we are currently in Kagoshima, Kku Eomma's home town. After Kura Eomma and Chaen Appa left for the grocery store, Minju and I were left alone in Kura Eomma's room. The others were still playing with Kenshin-chan. The kid is so cute and bubbly that everyone including Ducky couldn't get enough of him. We reasoned we both felt tired and would like to rest after dinner. I've been thinking of giving her my surprise gift. She's reading a book right now, she's been trying to read at least one to two books a month for her well being. A form of escape from reality. I recommended some classics such as The Prince, Wuthering Heights and other books I've read in school. She was my two year Junior in school, so I don't mind recommending some of the books I loved. I guess it is now or never, so I got my first ever Christmas gift for her, it was a Silver Charm Bracelet from Pandora. I already had it wrapped in a ribbon by the store.

"Minju." I started to call out to her.

"Yeah? Oppa? What do you need?" She asked me as she closed the book she was reading and turned her attention back to me.

I took a deep breath and upon releasing my breath, these words came out of my mouth.

"ThisisforyouMinjuaChristmasGift." I told her breathlessly.

"What? Oppa, I barely understood your words, can you please repeat it for me?" She replied to me and held my hand for support.

She rubbed her thumb on my purlicue, her eyes beckoning me to speak clearly. I had to take in another deep breath and released my breath slowly.

"This is for you, Minju. A Christmas gift for you, my first official one." I replied to her.

"Thank you, Oppa. But you shouldn't have." She replied to me as she unwrapped the box.

The first charm I ever got was her birthstone Amethyst. I would've gotten her a diamond one, but I had to get her the Amethyst one as an ode to her birthday, it meant I am grateful for her birthday. The day she came to existence and the day our destiny was written in the stars. She lifted the lid of the box and she looked at the Charm Bracelet, the charm was made of Silver, shaped in her favorite flower Baby's Breath and had a center gemstone, the Amethyst. I had to custom make the charm with Pandora, I wanted it to be meaningful. Never mind how much it costed to have a customized charm for her.

"Oppa? This is for me?" She asked me, her voice unsure.

"Yeah, it's your favorite flower and your birthstone. I got that for you, intentionally, as I had it custom made from Pandora." I replied to her shyly.

"Oh, you shouldn't have, Oppa." She replied and pulled me in a hug.

After my body connected to her, my right shoulder became wet.

"Minju-yah. Are you crying?" I asked her worriedly.

"Thank you, Oppa. Yeah, tears of joy and so much love. I wasn't expecting much, Oppa. You surprised me." She replied and tightened the hug at once.

"It's okay, Minmin." I replied to her and rubbed her back.

"I really love you, Oppa." She replied after a while she stopped sobbing.

"I really love you too, Kim Minju Angel." I replied to her and pulled away slightly.

I wiped her tear stained cheeks, placing a chaste kiss on her forehead.

"Let me put it on for you." I replied to her softly.

She only nodded her head softly and brought her arm near me. I took her arm and fastened the Charm Bracelet to her arm. She took a few moments and admired the Charm Bracelet with the Baby's Breath Charm on it. The first of many Charms I would give her. It was the best decision I made in my entire life, instead of giving her a piece of jewelry everytime we go through a milestone. This one will incorporate every milestone and moment we had, it is connected to everything we will go through.

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