New Year's Eve

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Hyewon's POV:

It was the New Year's eve and we are preparing for a family gathering. Together with Eunbi Unnie, Minjoo and Chaeyeon. We agreed to gather again after the first ever Chuseok Holiday we ever spent together with all three families. Eunbi Unnie, Minjoo, Chaeyeon and I were in a shopping mall, the two women wanted to go shopping for the New Year's, Chaeyeon and I begrudgingly agreed to go with them and that is why we are here, holding five bags each. It has been past the two hour mark and they are still arguing back and forth with each other despite both of them looking like models. Despite them being beautiful, they still had insecurities with their bodies. Eunbi Unnie thought that her arms didn't looked good on the Red Sweater Minjoo wanted for her. Minjoo on the other hand didn't want the dress Eunbi Unnie picked for her because it was too short for her though if you ask me, it wasn't at all too short.

She suits the dress if she were to ask me and likewise for Eunbi Unnie, I think Eunbi Unnie suits red, despite her favorite color being purple. A sigh escaped my lips. I can feel Chaeyeon losing patience with the both of them. So, I told the two women to call us if they need us and we will just be in the Café. Thankfully both of them dismissed us. We walked to the Café in silence. We both had nothing to discuss. We are currently at a High Fashion Mall the Cafés were located at either the ground floor or the fifth floor overlooking Seoul. My feet took me to the fifth which was directly above the floor we were in, the two women were shopping at a Christian Dior store. Chaeyeon quietly followed suit and once we were in the Café we placed our bags on a table for two and she came with me to the cashier to order her drinks.

We ordered Iced Americanos and Croissants, albeit it was freezing cold in this winter weather, some things are the same with Chaeyeon and I. We would always have iced drinks no matter the weather. She helped me with the orders after she paid for our drinks. Though, I wanted to pay dutch, but she shouldered everything. We sat back at our table waiting for our drinks to be served. She was not a bad company at all, she's just a little rough around the edges, she was always this young woman who tends to clam up, I am still searching for ways to help her cope with the loss of our two Unnies. Perhaps it would really take her quite some time and I totally understood her. I learned from our Princess Minguring that she not only lost her first love to Lung Cancer, but she also lost her baby brother who was born with a weak heart during her time on KPOP Star 3. These including the sudden deaths of her two Unnies she dreamed of having was too much for her to handle.

She drastically lost more weight ever since the two Unnies died. I worried about her so much, which is why I always bought her meals whenever we went out for dinner or lunch or what ever. We heavily relied on take outs nowadays. Unlike when both parents were still alive, we were not allowed to order takeouts, we could count the instances where Minjoo and I went ahead sneaked out to order take outs, mostly it was when we both are serious with studying our lessons and those all nighters preparing for an exam that our brains would tell us they are hungry and needed to have food to fuel our minds, those late nights of grumbling stomachs because of reviewing so much, it was mostly me whose stomach grumbles so loudly and couldn't help but complain.

She sat quietly in front of me, she wasn't touching her croissant, she just stares blankly into space. Like everything in her eyes suddenly halted to a stop and she was just floating seemingly into nothingness. I let her be as I quietly ate my croissant. Whatever she was thinking, I hope she knew, I will always be here for her. I will always be there through everything she have to go through. All she needed to do is ask for help and I will always be there for her. The problem now is she chooses to drink and Minjoo ends up taking care of her, she isolates herself most of the time. These were my thoughts when I was brought out of my reverie by Chaen.

"Thank you Hyung, for inviting me and my family for New Year's Eve." She told me.

"You're good Chaen, like we used to do previously, before we even had this past year, I'm regretful too for not inviting you guys last year. I needed to cope in my own way." I replied to her.

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