Sunday before spring break

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Hyewon's POV:

We had fun today, during our day out in Mapo-gu, we took lots of photos. We are now on our way to help Eunbi Unnie move in some of her stuff initially. It was a little over lunch time when we got to Yangsan-si. We had snacks at the museum we went to and my heart was wildly thumping in my chest. Gad! What am I supposed to do with my heart? These were my thoughts as I drove to a nearby restaurant where we will be having lunch with Eunbi Unnie. We had another fight this morning. Thankfully she forgave me and we are okay now. Soon, we arrived at the restaurant. It was our favorite restaurant that serves Cheese Dakgalbi. It was good here, the restaurant witnessed every high and lows of Eunbi Unnie and I's friendship. How we started to go here when it opened and how many misunderstandings we had have been resolved everytime we came here. I opened my door and alighted my car right after I parked my car. Minju got out of the car before I could open her door, so instead I offered my arm for her to take. It worked like a charm, she took my arm and linked her arm with mine. We entered the restaurant and found Eunbi Unnie waiting for us at a table and she waived us over. Eunbi Unnie smiled at Minju.

"Minju! You came with Hyewonnie!" Eunbi Unnie exclaimed.

Eunbi Unnie engulfed Minju in a hug, Minju hugged her back albeit she was visibly co fused at the woman hugging her.

"Oh, Unnie. Didn't I promise you last week? That you'll be called and I came to support Hyewon Unnie. She lost her child Minami." Minju replied to her.

"Yah! Won-ah! I had a niece? Why didn't you tell me?" Eunbi Unnie asked me.

"I told you about Minami, she's the kid I was raving about since last year. You might have forgotten, because you're an oldie." I replied giggling at her.

"Yah, yah, yah! Me an oldie?! My mind is as sharp as a sword! You've ommitted a few things. You didn't tell me that you are roomies with Kim Carrie, you didn't tell me that Minami is your child. You only told me bare minimum facts about your life at WM." Eunbi Unnie pouts at me.

"Maybe I did, because I thought you are busy, listen Unnie, I did it so as not to overwhelm you and make you feel like I am building my own life at WM without you." I replied to her.

"Aigoo, such a sweet dongsaeng you are. I am not worried about you, I know you're a big baby. You can even hit taller guys lol." She replied to me.

"Ahshe! If I would've known, I would've introduced you two. Mianhe, Unnie. I thought for a second that you were busy." I replied to her.

"It's alright, maybe we can meet her if we aren't busy training. Come and sit with me and let's have lunch." Eunbi Unnie replied to me and pulled me towards the table.

"Minju, I heard you love meat, this is the place that serves great meat, their specialty is Galbi and Dakgalbi. Order as much as you want, it's my treat for helping me get in to WM." Eunbi Unnie told Minju.

Minami and I will meet again, eight years after, with the new Eomma of our chosen family, she will give me a tour of Akihabara, Tokyo, Minami loved the new Eomma as they used to be team mates and the new Eomma took care of my Minami. I am forever grateful to this new Eomma. She not only straightened Chaen out, she also guided us out of the dark loop we've lived in for five years, your Auntie Minami is a jolly and happy person to be around and I miss her, I wish she would move back to Korea, but her life took her to her Motherland, Japan. She's been living there for half of her life and it was too late I guess to come back. I understand her, the things she had to choose to chase after her dreams and that is to be on stage, performing. My Minami is now a soloist, putting out great songs, your Auntie Minami worked hard.

We ate lunch and then after, we got her stuff that she needed to move to the dorm. Like previous times, she gets to stay with Haneul Appa, Seri Eomma will be moving out to Chaen's dorm, she will be staying with us for some time. Before everything gets re-arranged by group she falls in. I hope she gets to be in our team. We are now driving back to the dorm, Minju was playing some songs on the car, she was pre-occupied on the music. Singing along every song she played at the top of her lungs if I may add too, she can be cute like this instance, Appa's GTR was hooked up with a loud speaker and auxilliary cable for your phone. She played every Korean and Western song she knows, some are from Twice Sunbaenim's album and some from unknown foreign artist, one of the songs are Little do you know, Promise from Twice and many other songs. There was a lot of songs and a lot of singing at the top of her lungs. It made me giggle for a little while, only when she choked singing a high note did I intervene.

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