Endless Fantasia

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Minju's POV:

Monday and we are in still in Jeju, we were at Hamdeok Beach the whole morning before going back to our Hotel and getting ready for another trip around Jeju. We were going to go on a park today as opposed to another Museum. Though, yesterday was a fun time and I really enjoyed the Teddy Bear Museum, I wanted to see other places around Jeju. I am grateful for Mong Oppa, because without her I would've never explored Jeju and would've always thought there was nothing special about the place. I would rather take European Vacation Trips together with my Family than take fleeting trips like this in Jeju-do Island. I was already dressed in my jeans and cropped shirt, coupled with my black baseball cap and white Stan Smith Sneakers. I was dressed comfortably and didn't need to worry about men ogling at me. I learned how to be comfortable with my body and that I don't necessarily dress for men's pleasure but mine. It has always been that way and I'll be damned if I let any men dictate how I dress, I dress for my own comfort and pleasure. I love shopping at Myeongdong and Gangnam, finding clothes with Mong Oppa, she has an eye for Fashion, she picked several of my outfits, some outlandish kind of but totally suited me and my body.

She was the perfect shopping buddy, we bonded over the years through that, love of shopping. She could go find something to wear in a matter of ten minutes into a shopping trip. She is decisive in buying clothes, she's not afraid to try on outlandish styles of clothing. She loved to show off her cool sides with her clothes. She could wear an outlandish dress, something out of the ordinary cuts or styles and make that dress her own. I have seen her in these dresses back when she was still in school. They had a School Council Officers Fashion show along with Teachers in the school for the School's Foundation Day. The Faculty Frolics show was a fun time, she often hosted the Pageant Mister and Miss Hanlim, so she wore dresses during those times. I was selected as a contestant on these pageant shows, I came in second place and finally won during my last year in high school.

I was always selected by my classmates and another pick for the class was Heeseung for the boys. He was a gentleman and was always by my side to assist me. He also won on our final year and we were both crowned as Homecoming King and Queen on Prom Night, though I went to Prom with my girlfriends, Kriesha, Yeji, Miyeon, Hyunjin, Jiu and Yubin. We had to waltz around the dance floor for the first dance as King and Queen. It was a time I wanted to bury on the ground. I was always vocal with my parents, I always told them that I don't like boys and would probably marry a woman like me and they've supported me through that, even going as far as spending several Korean holidays with Chaeyeon and her family.

Soon Mong Oppa re-emerged from the bathroom, she's already dressed in her jeans and cropped shirt. She went ahead and put on her Chuck Taylor Sneakers, paired with her black baseball cap. We're like twins that are color coordinated, she wears black cropped shirt, similar whitewashed jeans, white baseball cap, while I wore white cropped shirt, similar jeans as hers and a black baseball cap and white Chuck Taylor's. We looked so much like a twin or a couple. She smiled at me as I watched her pack her bag, checking for the last time if she had everything on her sling bag. She straightens herself and smiles a lovely smile at me and held out her hand towards me.

"Let's go? My Princess Minguring." She says to me.

I walked over to her and she took me by the hand and pulled me out of our suite. The suite we are staying at was owned by her, because it was decorated with several of her and Eunbi Unnie's photos. It was a dead give away to be honest, although she didn't talk about it, I couldn't deny the fact that Eunbi Unnie was a consistent part of her life. I wondered then if Eunbi Unnie knew about her impact on Mong's life. My heart broke for Mong, how long exactly had she been waiting for Eunbi Unnie to recognize she loves her? My heart ached for her, just imagining what she was going through with Eunbi Unnie, just imagining the hurt she was feeling with out even being in a relationship with Eunbi Unnie. Eunbi Unnie acted like a jealous girlfriend who saw her lover with someone else. She has treated me a little harshly because of her jealousy. I don't mind her though as long as she tells Mong Oppa she loves her.

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