Night of Worrying

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Hyewon's POV:

It was Monday Evening and we ordered food for dinner plus the sauted Filipino Vegetables Chaen had made for us yesterday. Chaen was out with Miss Miyawaki, grocery shopping I believe, since they went to the direction of the Supermarket. WM was a block away from the Supermarket Northeast Side of WM. The next street had a supermarket. Minguring was adamant that we wait for Chaen but gave in as soon as the Filipino take outs came. She's a sucker for her Barbecue Platter from the restaurant we frequented with Haneul Appa, some Seven years ago. We are alright these days or perhaps, everyone in the team had gotten better in hiding their tears from everyone, save for Chaeyeon who cried inconsolably in Minju's arms like how she did the previous years. I was honestly getting tired of all this practice for Nekkoya the Nth Remix the song grew up like a child for us and lately it was beginning to take a toll on us. Whether it was because we are aging or because it was about time for us to go and find something better than WM.

But I was resolute in staying for my chosen family. Because this family has grown important for me and I wouldn't want to leave them behind and suffer alone. I was much more unwavering for them. Because like Seri Eomma used to say, be unstoppable and be strong if not for yourself, do it for your team. Our lives have been constantly surrounded by the team and by the building pressure of debuting. These were our two constants aside from being scrutinized heavily by our teachers. Vocal Teacher Bae Junmyung, Dance Teacher Lee Euna, everyone of the WM Trainers except for Sejeong Unnie, she was our friend and ally. She always guided us towards our goals of debuting. Instead of shouting at us harshly, Sejeong Unnie evaluates us fairly and she would always tell us what she thought went wrong and how we can make it better next time. Especially me, because she knows me well and she knows I was rarely scolded by my teachers growing up.

We ate our dinner silently and peacefully with Wonyoung, Yujin had to attend her classes. Wonyoung and Minju were truly like Mother and Daughter. When you see them both, you'll be fooled into thinking that Minju was her Mother. Partly because of the way Minju babied Wonyoung. Partly because Wonyoung was an obedient girl to Minju and also Partly because Koreans are younger looking for their age. An example was my Mother Ye-Won or Minguring's Mother Jisoo. They looked like they hadn't aged to this day. Not even a wrinkle could be seen, the only giveaway were the grey hairs scattered in their heads. Peeking but not quite showing.

After dinner, both Mother and Daughter sat at the couch and watched a Movie on Netflix. They started the movie and I was left to tend to the dishes. The two were watching a Disney Animated Movie called Tangled about Rapunzel, the Princess taken by a Witch and locked up in a tower. It was Disney's take on the classic Children's Fairytale. Almost every Disney Animated movie had elements taken from Classic Fairytales. English and Asian Fairytales or Folktales mostly while giving it a different and beautiful ending. I say beautiful because these 'Fairytales' had a somewhat grim ending or grim start to them. They are all disturbing when you read the original versions of these stories. I'll say it now as a word of caution, read at your own risk, if you really wanted to read it.

After I washed the dishes, I sat beside Wonyoung and cradled her into my left arm. The kid leaned into my arm just like how Minju leans in when I put an arm around her. Minju was too engrossed in the film to notice Wonyoung lean in to my arm. I honestly didn't mind our Wonie because Wonie is a child, she's this team's maknae and even Chaen cradles Wonie in her arms whenever we watch movies in the living room. Often we tag team cradle Wonie. If I can predict things, ever since that day Minju and I went to Jeju, Chaen's heart towards our Wonie has become even more warm and she's been trying her best for Wonie. I was grateful that Yuje and Wonie came into our lives and they chose to hang out in our dorm often. The two kids practically forced Chaen to cook on a regular basis, albeit she cooks early in the morning, the point is, she cooks and it doesn't matter if most times Wonie would have a bento box of vegetables cut up to sticks at least she had meat with those vegetable sticks and Minju of course would buy her meals whenever we went out.

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