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Hyewon's POV:

It was a tiring week end, there was currently a clash going on with Princess and the King by this I meant Chaen. Minju doesn't speak with the King. Albeit the King wanted to speak with the Princess. The Princess still doesn't want to speak with the King. It was something even I can't do anything about. Minju is a stubborn young lady, I can't dictate her to be more lenient and kind than she already is kind and lenient. I was in my room, using Minju's queen size bed, I was just scrolling mindlessly at my phone. Catching up with friends' post. Liking everything they are posting, when my phone notified me of a message. I exited out of my social media and read the message that I just received. It was from Eunbi Unnie, she wanted to talk and wanted me to go with her to the convenience store. It was pretty odd, because I just came from dinner not even an hour ago, she didn't want to come with us, she's behaving very oddly this past weekend and today, Monday. I typed a reply, agreeing to meet her at the dorm's main lobby. WM was not strict with us, we can come and go whenever we wish to. I put on my walking shorts and got dressed in a shirt. I went out of my room and saw Minju cleaning up after the mess, Chaen left in the dining table. She's so domestic when it comes with Chaen.

"Where are you going, Oppa?" She asked me before I could bid her good night.

"I'm just hanging out with Eunbi Unnie, we're going to the convenience store. Do you want anything from there?" I asked her as I picked up some of the bottles.

"Oh, no. Thank you. I'll just cook Chaen some food then put her to sleep. Be careful Oppa and come back here in one piece." She replied.

"I will, thanks. Good night. Sweet dreams my Princess." I replied to her.

"Nado, Sweet Dreams to you too, My Prince Ju-Mong. Careful on your way out." She replied with a giggle.

"Think about me when you take a shower." I replied giggling back at her.

"Oh, I will Oppa. Don't worry, do you want me to video call you while I wash up?" She asked me back.

"I'm kidding." I replied to her and brought up two fingers as a sign of peace.

"Mmmhhhmm, I thought you were serious about it, too bad, Mong." She replied and tapped my cheek with her palm and walked to the pantry, she rummages for a pack of Instant Ramyun.

"I'll go now, my Princess." I replied and walked over to the main door.

"Ne!" I heard her call out to me.

We've been making sexually charged jokes about thinking of each other while in the shower. We are that close by now, six years of spending time with each other, we slept together in one bed for four and a half years, I know every quirk she had. She still writes me notes, my room was never locked, so I still get her notes. She was still the thoughtful girl, often getting me things like scarves, gloves or hoodies, which I never used for the fear of ruining them and render them unusable, she gave me an IEM Earphones for my graduation, that one I used several times now. I kept the original wire and used a different wire for the IEMs. I was particular about using the IEMs during my free time, I took care of the IEMs she gave me. The design was coral and black colored, then an inscription read, Nan dangsingwa isseul ttae deo nadawojimnida in hangul which meant, I am much more me when I'm with you. Then on the right ear a hamster emoji she drew over my initials KHW.

I said to her once that I feel more me when I create music, the inscription was also her hand writing, I would know, because of the notes she left for me. I have yet to give her my own gift for her graduation, she still had a year left in school. I vowed to get her back for her graduation, probably a trip to somewhere nice, I don't know, I'm still thinking about it. I also have to ensure she isn't busy with anything. Soon, I arrived at the main lobby, I sat at a bench nearby and waited for Eunbi Unnie to get down. I still haven't told her about my feelings for her, partly because I was busy with Team A, the aftermath of losing both parents have thrusted me into a blinding spotlight. I needed to be the tough one out of all of us, I needed to make sure every member of Team A was eating their meals, I buy groceries with Chaen every second Sunday of the month we do this. Unlike previously when we would do it on a weekly basis. Now, it has dwindled to once every two weeks. Most times, we opt to eat out, at least Minju and I would eat out together with friends from other teams namely Ducky, now Yujin, Eunbi Unnie sometimes comes with us. I smiled to the approaching figure of Eunbi Unnie. She was dressed in a similar short walking shorts and shirt. She smiles at me and ran full speed and tackled me in a hug, she lingered for a few moments.

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