Minju's Birthday

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Hyewon's POV:

February 5, 2011 and Today is Minju's Birthday. I left early for school. I didn't message her the whole day and I'll be late for her Birthday Party so, I planned to stop by Han-eul Appa Family's Photography Shop. I asked Harabeonim Yong Jae to extend his hours at seven in the evening which he thankfully agreed. I was now at the shop and I am looking around for the perfect gift for Minju, with Mister Kwak trailing behind me.

"Wonnie, how about you give her an instant camera? You mentioned she liked leaving notes in cute stationeries. This will be perfect for her, cause we have photo papers with prints on them, cute ones and girly ones." Harabeonim Yong Jae suggested.

"Wow! Really? There are photo papers like that?" I replied to him.

I was used to the plain white polaroid papers, so I didn't know there was photo paper like what Mister Kwak described. Mister Kwak went over to his Instant Film Section of his wide store and showed me hundreds of photo papers of every design.

"Here it is, she seemed like a cute young lady, so get her these." He told me and handed me a photo paper that had candies as a design, then another one that had Pink Pastel and another one that had Pink Confetti.

I got her two of each and a White S6 Instax Camera, some batteries, a white bag for her camera and some cleaning accessories and a flash filter. I had it placed on a big box and wrapped by one of the store helpers. I paid Mister Kwak and thanked him for his suggestion. Mister Kwak and I spoke about our day, I told him I was busy with practice and school stuff. It was Saturday and I had to be in school for our foundation day, I was tired unbelievably so, but I had to get to the company for our weekly evaluations. Thank goodness that we drew lots for our performance and I was lucky enough that we got the last performance at eleven in the evening. So, I still had a couple of hours for practice. Half past seven and I am now on my to the company. Han-eul Appa's Grandpa usually closes at six in the evening. I rushed out of the shop and quickly made my way to the company.

My phone kept on buzzing, there could only be two people who was sending me messages. It was either Minju or Minami. I didn't bother to check who it was. The shop was located three blocks to the right of WM. So, I was confident to be there in about ten minutes. I walked with purpose on my steps. I was excited to give Minju her birthday gift. So, my steps had a certain spring to it and soon, I got to the company building and opened the door to Team A's room where I found everyone from the team and Ducky from Class B, Team C in the room. I guess, they are on break? Minju was first to approach me with a pout on her face.

"You! You worried me!" She says to me with a pout and hit me with her closed fist.

"Babe, No. Don't hit your Oppa!" Alex Unnie prevented Minju from hitting me.

I smiled at Alex Unnie and Minju and handed Minju the box from Mister Kwak's Shop.

"I'm sorry, Princess Minju, I was busy at school, several meetings took place and I was part of the welcoming committee." I told her the truth.

"The whole day?! You were busy the whole day starting in the morning?" She asked me.

To be honest, in the morning, I practiced for our performance, then I got to school at around seven in the morning, I checked the details about the foundation day's last day, I also checked and ensured that everything is good and prepared. Then meetings started and welcomed Sister Schools' Administrators, Showed them around and had another meeting that lasted until the afternoon, then attended a program then en route to Han-eul Appa's shop, I've been planning a surprise for Minju, cause I knew her birthday falls on a Saturday, so I planned to have her birthday celebrated the following day together with her family and best friend Kriesha. I found Kriesha on Facebook, it was easy, cause she and Minju were friends, multiple photos were there and Kriesha was tagged on those photos. So, I messaged her and introduced myself. We planned the surprise two months prior Minju's Birthday today.

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