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Hyewon's POV:

We reached Yangsan-si after three hours of driving, she dragged me to her White BMW Sedan unceremoniously at that, when the Police got there and was asking me the details about the men that asked her out. Cutting the conversation off, I invited her in and together with her driver for late dinner. Mom and Dad was home so as my two siblings. It was a miracle of some sort that I was with Minju. She was engaging both parents in a chatter, both welcomed her into our house. Both were being decent parents, all smiley to Minju. Probably because she was the great Kim 'Carrie' Minju. The one they're both so smitten with and raved about in front of me, then of course the inevitable 'Why can't you be like her?' comparison, the Princess was getting along fine and comfortably with both parents. My brother and Sister Hye-Yeon and Kyeong-Soo were just nodding and smiling with their conversations. Minju sat to my right side, beside Mother nearest to Father.

"Hyewon Unnie is actually very nice, she takes good care of me and treats me well, she also dances and sings well. Our team is lucky to have her." I heard Minju say to both of my parents and flashed them a smile.

"Oh, please do tell us if you're having a hard time with our Wonnie. I will make sure to discipline her." Mom replied smiling back at Minju.

"Oh, No. Auntie Ye-won, she's absolutely well behaved and very nice. She's the best companion I ever hoped for to have while training." Minju replied to Mom.

"Mama, can we please let Minju eat? She needs to go soon, she's moving some of her stuff tonight." I butted into the conversation they were starting again.

"Oh, Jinja? Do you need any help?" Mother asked Minju.

It was met with a smile and a head shake no.

"I'll be alright, Auntie Ye-won. My Driver could assist me." Minju replied to Mama.

"Are you sure?" Mama asked her.

"Yes, Auntie Ye-won. I'll be alright." She replied to Mama.

"Okay, we better continue eating then, so you could go home and rest." Mama replied to her.

Her Driver Bambam was having dinner in our Helpers' Kitchen. I saw mom's Driver Uncle Yoon Sook, ushered him in to their open Kitchen. Mama doted on Princess Minguring which the latter fondly received. It was weird how my parents seemingly changed in a heartbeat. Were they suddenly changed? Like a miracle that I long waited to see, it was now here, directed to Princess Minguring, she had that power to turn any cold hearted parent into the nicest parents one could ever have, maybe it was me or just that, my parents wanted to replace me with Princess Minguring. After dinner, I gave her a quick tour of our house before finally letting her in to my room. We stayed in my room for about five minutes, before I remembered she needed to go. So I pulled her out of my room and brought her out to the main door.

"This is you, take care on your way home, Min." I told her after we reached the main door.

"I was kindda hoping you'd allow me to have a sleep over." She replied.

"Well, are you okay with sleeping over here?" I replied to her.

"Of course, Oppa!" She exclaimed.

"Shhhh! Quiet! Don't call me Oppa." I shushed her.

"Oh, Yeah. Of course I'd love to sleepover, Hyewon Unnie." She replied smiling.

I sighed at her and her excited and palpable energy.

"Alright, at least let's tell Bambam that you would sleep over, should we have him pick you up tomorrow? But what about the stuff you came for in Yangsan-si?" I asked her.

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