Trip Home

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Minju's POV:

It was late in the afternoon and we just got out of practice. Mong Oppa disappeared from view, I guess she was in a hurry to go home? I called my driver Bambam and instructed him to pick me up at the convenience store near the bus stop after about an hour. Cause I wanted to eat and contemplate on how my life was going right now, I was an seventh grader who was seemingly drowning with all the things that has been going on in my life, Chaeyeon and I somehow became a little more closer, but she also seemed to love to tease me and often tells me I'm needed in Skylar Appa's room. I was honestly tired of walking back and forth, so before she could even sit in my dorm's living room, I always automatically went with Hyewonnie to the store to eat or have hot chocolate.

I was going to ask Mong Oppa, if she wanted snacks before we left for home. I guess, I was alone then. Han-eul Appa bade me goodbye and we've hugged each other quickly, before I knew it, I was walking alone to the convenience store. I hated sitting alone, but in times like this, I would share a table with another young woman like me. I never shared tables with any men, young or old, I never did, save for Family Members. Cause most men are pigs, hitting on me even when I was just twelve, twelve freaking years old, my body developed early, from scrawny little kid, once January hits and I turned twelve, my body has grown into a mature body type coupled with my height, which shot up to flat five the last time I checked, but I feel my height is continuing in its growth spurt.

I got to the convenience store and bought myself a two piece fried chicken and rice, a Pepsi Cola and then paid the cashier. There was something about convenience store food that comforts me. Might be the overly crispy chicken skin or perhaps the juicy and greasy chicken. GiantStop's Chickens were juicy and crispy. I made my way to the tables inside the store, there are several rowdy men occupying the first table, second and third was still pretty close to them when I spotted Mong Oppa at the far end table, I walked over and took a few seconds of observing her as I was about to speak, she looks up with a single fry hanging from her lips, her eyes the usual glare she gives someone. I smiled softly at her and asked her.

"May I share this table with you?" I asked her politely.

"Sure." Her soft eyes now showing.

I sat beside her as I was being eyed by the rowdy men. I was always self-conscious about being eyed by these pigs. Was there something wrong with my body? I was always clad in jogging pants and a three times bigger shirt, what do these men see in me? In school I wore my uniform of button down shirt, neck tie, vest or blazer and vest then a skirt, but I pull it down so as to not expose myself. My gadniss these men seriously have to stop with their ogling, there's nothing to see with my outward appearance. It was plain and conservative me. I pushed my thoughts aside and got ready to eat as Mong Oppa took her first big bite of instant ramyun noodles, I couldn't help but speak up to her.

"Yah! Mong Oppa! You might choke with that big bite!" I told her with a panicked voice.

She continues to eat and slurp on her noodle cup. My anxiety levels are at an all time high, gad! She chews and swallows her big bite, before talking to me.

"I'm only going to choke if you keep panicking, I'm fine, Min. This is how I eat these noodles, three big satisfying bites." She replied smiling charismatically.

She then took a bite of her chicken tenders. I guess, it's just the way she is, a big eater. She finishes her food without savoring any of it, while I was the opposite. I eat a lot but I cherish every bite, I eat slowly and savor the taste of food playing around inside my mouth.

"You need a ride to Yangsan-si?" I asked her.

"Nah, I'm alright, Min. I can take the bus." She replied to me.

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