Hyewon's Second Birthday

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Minju's POV:

Five minutes before the clock strikes twelve, Mong Oppa was already asleep as I prepared her gift. It was our second birthday this year since we were left by the two dorm parents. I already moved forward and accepted that both dorm parents are permanently gone. I was learning how to manage my grief and my losses. I worked hard on growing up and being a stronger person for our dorm. I woke up everyday over the last two years, numbing the pain away until this year when I finally accepted that they are gone and I can no longer change that. But, I still wasn't ready to read her supplemental letter. What ever that supplemental letter contained, I wasn't ready to find out what that letter contained, so I've kept it in my bag or purse. I don't know when I'll be opening it, but it won't take too much time.

I sneakily got out of my shared room with Chaen and went into the kitchen with her gift in tow, I got the cake and lighted the number two candle. I hauled the paper bag and the mini cake with the number two candle lit to her room, I opened the lights in her room. I stood for about a minute, before waking her up. She stirs in her sleep. Then she stretches and then fluttered her eyes open. As soon as she does this, I softly sang to her and smiled.

Saengil Chukahamnida, Saranghaneun Hyewonnie, Saengil Chukahamnida.

"Make a wish, Wonnie." I told her.

She closes her eyes and clasped her hands together, then after a few moments, she blew her candle. She groggily smiled at me, it was Sunday today and Chaen was in Japan again, visiting her friend, I handed Mong Oppa her birthday cake, and I gave her a leather jacket from Dior, it was actually similar to mine which she liked to borrow. She opens her arm wide and I stepped in to her hug, she cradled me tightly in her arms.

"Thank you, My Princess Minguring." She says into the hug.

"Welcome, Mong." I whispered back to her.

"Let's eat!" She exclaimed after a while of hugging me.

She gets up from my old Queen Size bed and pulled me with her to the dining table. She sat me at the table and got herself two plates, forks and a knife. She sat at the table and sliced me a piece of her mini cake. When I say a piece it meant half of the mini cake, she could be ridiculous like that. She gave me the other half of her mini cake and after she started to eat her cake. She eats this way since the beginning of our friendship. I watched as she took bites of her vanilla cake, her cheeks resembled a hamster or a squirrel's when they're eating. No wonder why Eunbi Unnie calls her First Class Officer Kang Hamster or Kang Squirrel.

"Min? You're not eating?" She asked me.

"Yeah, I'll eat now. So, what do you want to do today?" I asked her.

"I wanted to go do a photo walk in Gangnam, let's drop by Seri Eomma's then let's explore Gangnam. Let's take lots of photos." She replied.

"What about your family? Aren't you meeting them?" I asked her.

She looks back up to me and smiled sadly at me. She slowly shook her head no and spoke.

"Min, you know my whole family only sends me money to buy whatever I want and to do whatever I want. Why are you asking me time and time again?" She replied her voice laced with irritation.

"I was hoping you would meet them at least thrice a year, one during the New Year celebration, one during Chuseok and the third during your birthday. I know they love you, Oppa." I replied to her.

"It'd be weird to ask them now, I've been cebrating my birthdays without them." She replied to me.

"Okay, Oppa." I replied and let her be.

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