Busted ever after

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Hyewon's POV:

It was a week since we flew to Jeju, we just landed back in Seoul. Yugyeom was already waiting for us once we made our way out of the airport. I honestly was dumbfounded to find all of our fans waiting at the airport for us to arrive from Jeju. I worried for our fans because what if they stayed at the airport and waited for us? What if they are all hungry and sleepless? Minju gracefully waved at her fans and flashed a smile towards them. I was looking up ahead and smiled at our fans. I was too shy to wave my hand and at my own fans. Even last week when we left for Jeju, I truly appreciated our fans but there was no need for them to send us off and welcome us back. Everyone of them should be at home and not in the airport. The reason why I gained these fans was because of Minju's fans and their friends. Some of them have seen us together and decided to support me in my bid to debut. It was a beautiful thing to know that their friends are Minju's Fans and since we are together almost always, they are together too, watching us and cheering for us whenever we came out from somewhere. Hoards of them follow us around and for security purposes we never accepted gifts, hoards of fans were currently mobbing us with gifts and other stuff that they thought we can't buy ourselves when we can and we will but it wasn't priority for us to get it.

I opened Minju's door before making my way in to my Sedan. Yugyeom was quick to protect me from mobbing fans. I was always known to be cold and had looks that could kill anyone. Albeit I was happy with how things are going now, we've kept our spots in the debut team, I'm sure a little more push and we will be debuting soon. This was the first time we've spent time away from the training room and really get into our headspace, refreshed and ready to tackle another round of hardships that are waiting for us. We have to start with practice as soon as we get back. We were already behind by a week, so we needed this break. I was glad we were able to break free for a week. Yugyeom drove us to Mapo-gu. In no time, we reached our dorm, truly exhausted from our trip to Jeju-do.

I opened the door and had Yugyeom bring to the laundromat our clothes we've used to wash and iron for us. After I've entered our dorm's door and handing over our bags to Yugyeom to bring to the laundromat, we found Chaen in the living room, she was already two bottles of soju in, a goofy smile appeared on her face once we entered the dorm. Minju went directly inside her room, leaving me and Chaeyeon in the living room. I sat at the couch and looked at her and waited for her to speak up and she did eventually. Still with a goofy smile drawn in her face.

"Haaaayyyyy, Hyung! How's vacation?" She asked me.

"It was okay, why are you drinking again? Come on, enough of this." I replied to her and took away her shot glass.

"Hyung, have you ever loved someone so much that it hurts? Because I'm hurting, Yah, Yerin-ah! Come back to me please." She asked me and later on admonishing the latter Yerin.

She snatches her shot glass back from me, she was taller than me and had longer arms. Which made it easy for her to successfully get her shot glass back and got ready to pour herself another drink.

"Yah! Chaeyeon-ah! Have you had anything to eat yet?" I asked her and it was met with teary eyes and a head shake no.

"Come, let's get you something to eat first, before you resume drinking." I replied to her.

"I jon wanna eat! Drink! I want drink!" She protested.

"We will drink later. Come on, stand up and let me prepare you something to eat." I replied to her.

She shakes her head no, a sigh escaped my lips and I scooted closer to her. She had tears falling down from her eyes. I carefully wiped them and Minju reemerges from her room, I watched as she moved to the Kitchen, checking if we had something to eat for Chaeyeon. She closes the fridge after a while and takes out her phone, she dials a number and I heard her order food for three people. She sat at her ottoman and crossed her legs. She looks intently at Chaeyeon and her eyes shifted from disappointed to one filled with pain as Chaeyeon was now reduced in a crying heap of mess. She stood up eventually from her seat and sat beside Chaeyeon on Chaen's opposite arm. She rubs her back and tells her.

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