few days more - XXIV

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TW: implied assa.lt, ab.se, mentions of assa.lt, ab.se, mental health, pain


      Darkness shrouds my vision until it takes over the day and turns it into night. Odessa sleeps calmly. I can't rest.

I knew I hurt people when I complied to Hadron. But I never thought I'd meet a sibling of someone I hurt. Let alone like their company. Like...them.

I cover my eyes. Maybe it'll blind my thoughts. It doesn't work.

I hurt Odessa's sister. I hurt Kimora. I was the one who caused her injury. I proved what others already believe of Moons. That we're death bringers. We're icy heartless killers.

I met Kimora a year ago. I was traveling from Brina, scouting a route for a hunt me and Flare were put on. We had to bring Hadron three myth users, preferably one human, one elf and one lendro.

Flare wasn't a big field-worker, so Hadron sent us to scout a path. A taste of the outdoors for his little assistant. We paved a pathway all the way to Brina. Flare stopped for a meal to share but I kept moving.

My feet were taking me just past Brina. A main hub for lendros and elves.

I stopped as an elf jumped from the trees. She landed with a thud, right on her feet. I watched as the green-clad elf started to scour the ground. She had thick, brown braided hair.

I watched her silently.

Hadron had told us that he was looking for an elf? Might as well get one now. That way I would be out of the punishment Hadron had for Flare and me when we returned from this excursion.

Maybe it would be enough to let Flare escape punishment as well.

I wasn't thinking much when I pulled out my dagger. Just about how I could escape Hadron's hand for at least a few days more. All I could see was that this path I paved. And it led straight towards her.

This elf, who was collecting tree leaves.

I thought only of Hadron when I stepped out of the shade. I thought only of Flare when I launched myself at her. I thought only of those few days more.

I raked my knife down her arm. Crimson bubbled as I pulled her skin like a zipper. I gritted my teeth. I swept her feet out under her.

Arms raised, sweeping out in front of me. I put my hands on her arms, pushing the bitter cold into her blood.

She thrashed under me, kicking my ribs. I coughed. Blood spattered on her face.

Thoughts cleared. Since when was I spitting blood?

She wriggled out from under me, dashing into the forest. My ears rung as I heard a thud. I figured she had jumped back into the trees. Maybe though I heard her body drop. All because of my touch.

I thought only of myself when I attacked Kimora.

And I hate me for it. I want to redo my life so much. This ache I feel from my battered ribs. My blurry vision when I come to decisions. I base them after myself and myself only. How can I avoid Hadron one day more?

Flare got out. He managed to leave Hadron. He left with his life and a brand-new scar. Eyebrow to chin, his scar spans. I wonder what Hadron did.

I don't think I am strong enough to leave Hadron. He is all I have. Now I don't even have the chance to imagine what I might have been like if Odessa wanted me around. The moment he figures out I was the one who brought death's eyes upon his sister...

I won't harm Bastet. I won't do it.

This stomach sick is enough, but now I must deal with head sickness too?

I'll still find Bastet. Maybe since they forgave Flare, they might forgive me too. Maybe they'll want me to stay. Maybe I still have a chance with them.

Maybe I still have a chance with Odessa too. Maybe he's as forgiving as Bastet. I'll just prove myself. I'll help him get to the Crystal Grove; I'll help him save Kimora.

Then I would have saved her too, right?

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