stars - XXV

4 0 0

TW: implied


I let my mind wander as we walk. Most new things I have already taken notes of in my head, so there's no point in paying attention anymore.

Aken pops up. The memory. It's crawling around in my mind, hanging on with claws. My eye twitches.

He always used to be mean to me. But, I mean, he was trying his best and doing it for Mom. Mom would have appreciated it a lot. She loved him and trusted him to take care of me.

But Aken never thought anything of me. He said I was nothing. But he was wrong. I mean, look! I have myth. Strong myth. Rare myth. And I get to learn how to control it and use it.

I wave my hand around my tiny golden orbs. They brush against my hand. It feels like lightning. I scrunch up my nose as I grin at them.

I have powerful myth. And friends. I've never had friends before. But now I do! And they're cool and powerful and know myth and swords and knives. They know battle and people.

I never thought this would ever be my life. I thought I'd live in Kyson or Della. Not Maylea. Not the Forest.

What a joke.

Why did Kyson even want to control my myth? What would I even do with it? What do they gain from suppressing my myth?

If they suppressed my myth. They must have suppressed others as well. So, I'm not the only wielder in Kyson.

"I have to help them," I mumble.

"What was that?" Avery says, tucking loose hair in her bun. I blink, adjusting my eyes to focus. Avery is on one side of me, her hands in her hair. I look to my right and see Quarry. He looks tired.

"Uh...I was thinking that if Kyson suppressed my myth, then we can assume that they are suppressing others' myth as well." Quarry shrugs.

"Probably. Do you know any color-eyed people?" He says, using his fingers to pry open his eyes. He stares at me. Avery snorts from beside me.

Aken had gray eyes. Mom

"My mother had blue eyes," I say, looking down at the ground. Quarry releases his eyes and spins, throwing out his hands.

"There ya go. Your mother is a Blue-Eyed," he says. I frown.

"She never knew," I mumble. Avery slants her shoulder down at the ground.

"Can you not just tell her? I mean, when you get back?" She suggests. I point a finger at her, inhaling. Avery waits.

"First of all, I'm not going back. mom... died a few years ago." Avery frowns.

"I'm sorry. I did not know," She murmurs. "I...lost my mother a few years ago as well." I widen my eyes.

Is that the person that made her come with me?

"Anyone else you knew with gold eyes?" Quarry asks. I turn to him. I hardly knew anyone at all.

"I didn't know many people. Besides, nobody I saw had my eyes. They are what makes me special," I say, smiling into my arm. Quarry meets my face, quirking an eyebrow.

"Well, you have your orbs now," he says.

"Your own personal stars," Avery adds. I hold my breath and smile.

My own personal stars.

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