Ixora - XXXVI

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TW: cursing


"Here we are! The Ixora house. You can thank your housemate, Mars, for the name. They just love growing all different flowers in the beds in your yard. It's more of a garden really. I'm sure Mars is inside." Lady Sorrel opens the door.

Inside sits one person. They look up and see us, and immediately run outside a door attached to the back of the cottage. Avery and I exchange a look as they sprint back in, their hair flying around their shoulders.

They stop in front of Lady Sorrel, twisting their lips to keep in excitement. It must not be often that people get a new person in their cottage.

"This is Aquarii," Lady Sorrel says.

"HI! She/her," Aquarii bubbles out. She shoves a hand to me. I hesitate, but grip her hand. She shakes my hand excitedly. My stars keep close to my skin.

"I've never seen myth like that..." Aquarii starts. She stops, hands to the side of her. She bounces up to me and takes my face in her hands. "OH."

"GOLD!" she screams. Someone tumbles in from outside, where Aquarii had run too. Lady Sorrel steps aside.

Aquarii is short compared to us. She has bright green eyes and a big nose. Her skin is a milky color. Her hair is as white as bone. If it wasn't her eyes, she'd have no color to her at all.

Aquarii has her hair in two braids. She wears a pair of ripped overalls and a tight blue shirt underneath. She keeps on smiling at me. I smile back, laughing awkwardly.

The other person comes up. They have short messy russet hair. Their warm brown skin is vibrant against green eyes. They have patches of dirt on their baggy jeans and tight-fitting black shirt. They have no shoes on.

They lean forward a little bit. I feel Avery's breath snap in my ear. The person squints, studying us closely. They raise their hand gently to my stars.

"Cool, isn't it?" I hear Quarry say. He pushes up to me, grabbing my shoulders as he leans over to the person. They glance back up, eyes wide. A smile crosses their face.

"Yeah. I've never seen myth quite like this," They whisper the last part. Quickly shaking their head, they smile at us. "I'm Mars, they/them. Welcome to Ixora." Aquarii laughs behind them. Mars goes for a fist bump and not a hand shake. Which, personally, I prefer.

"Usually the others are here," Aquarii pipes up as Mars straightens their spine. They nod. Quarry leans off me a little bit.

"Elowin and Ota. El's probably working and I can't even guess what Ota's doing," Mars explains.

"Probably terrorizing children?" Aquarii offers. Mars snorts, their hand flying up to their nose. They push at Aquarii as she grins.

"Aw you guys get to terrorize children?" Quarry whines, pressing on my shoulder again. He shakes me a little bit. "I wanna do that!"

"Shut it," Avery snaps. "You terrorize me and Bas enough." Quarry and Avery stick their tongue out at each other. Mars laughs.

"So, you're Bas?" Mars asks, turning to me. I freeze.

"Bastet Mesbah," I say. "They/them." Mars bobs their head. Quarry shoves me out of the way, tumbling over my shoulder. Lady Sorrel laughs behind us. Quarry sticks out his hand.

"Quarry Klaus! He/him! Not staying here in this house exactly, but I'll probably end up living here!" Mars shakes his hand, laughing. Aquarii grins as she takes Quarry's hand in turn. Quarry shakes her hand enthusiastically.

"Um–Avery." Avery shifts her footing. "I will live here. And uh, she/her."

"Well sometimes you actually get peace around here," Mars laughs. "Again, welcome to Ixora." Mars pats their hands together before walking back out to the garden. Aquarii grins before turning to a small door in the corner. She opens it, flicking on the light inside to a bathroom. She pulls something out, looking in the mirror. I turn to Avery.

"I like it here," I say. She sighs.

"Of course you do," She says. I chuckle.

"Well, introductions are over so Quarry and I will go to his house. If either of you need anything I'll be in my quarters. I'll find both of you tomorrow to make your schedules. Until then, make yourselves at home," Lady Sorrel says before she turns away with Quarry.

"I'LL FIND Y'ALL LATER, OKAY?" He shouts as he goes around the corner.

I exchanged a look with Avery. We step into the cottage.

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