Chapter 69

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"Luna, honey, you have to come out at some point. Your friends are worried sick." My mother called from the other side of the door. I had locked myself in my room since that day a week ago when I found out...he...was gone. Every time I thought about him I would cry so I locked myself in my room because it got so bad. "Go away!" I screamed at the door. "Honey, this isn't easy on Starswhirl either. He needs you." She pleaded. "Well send him in here so we can cry together." I yelled again. "It's not healthy and you can blame your sister for everything!" Mother screamed. I stood up and opened the door, "But I know it was her!" I said. "How?!? How do you know Luna? It could have been anyone! A fellow guard, a griffon, for the ponies' sake it could have been me!" Mother scolded. "I just know, mother. You wouldn't understand." I said dramatically before walking past her and closing the door. I went to Starswhirl's room he was sitting at his desk with a book open, he was trying to practice magic. "Hello." I said softly trying not to startling him. He turned towards me, "Mother! Do you feel better?" He asked. "A bit. How about you, son?" I asked as I walked up to him at his desk. "I was worried until now." I cocked an eyebrow, "Worried? Why were you worried?" "Because of you Mother. I was starting to think you were going to stay in your room for the next 1,000 years." Starswhirl said with a smile as he continued with his magic practicing. Suddenly a cry went off from the room next to Star's. It was the foal's room. She should have been born when the war was started and while...he was gone but I kept using my magic to shrink the foal so she wouldn't be born while Moon Shadow gone, by the time the war was over I gave birth to her, Jetbeam.

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