Chapter 10

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While Moon Shadow was checking us in, I waited by what seem to be a foals' area. The room was full of toys, trinkets & crayons. One filly looked at me and gasped then started to color again. I thought she was just another filly scared of me because of my sister. But then I noticed that she kept glancing up at me. Now that I take a good look at her I remember that she's one of my night guards daughter. I smiled ad waved at her, then she quickly waved back because she was already smiling. I walked over to her, I could tell she was having one of those...what do they call it these days? She was having a... fangirl moment! Whatever the hay that means. " Hi Princess Luna! Do you remember me?" I nodded "Of course North Star. How could I forget a cute filly such as yourself?" She blushed then she stuffed her drawing in my face, "Do you like it?" At first it looked like a big black and white blur.😑 But after I pushed it back a bit my heart fluttered, it was a little drawing of North Star and I raising the moon together. "I-I love it!" I said as I cried tears of joy. Finally somepony else that loves the night just as much as I did. I gave my dear North Star a big bear hug it lasted a while then I let her wear my jewelry, my small black tiara complimented her purple mane which was styled almost how mine was when I was a foal, my black necklace decorated with a crescent moon matched her gray coat perfectly. We played Castle instead of House she was the princess I was the queen, some other random foals joined in. There was one colt who wanted to be the strongest knight and slay as many dragons as he could. First North and I giggled, then the other foals joined including the colt himself. We played until I had to leave, it broke the foals hearts except North Star because she knew she would see me again...

The Truth Behind The Nightmare       (Luna's Side of The Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ