Chapter 18

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After 7 months passed and the baby sure did grow. My back ached and I had terrible gas always slipping out when I least expected it. Mother and father stayed with us so when the baby came they'll be able to see it before Moon Shadow's parents. My stomach was about the size of Celestia's when she eats tons if sweets, mostly cakes. I wasn't as active as I was when my stomach was still slim. I was glad mother and father was staying on my side of the castle so if the baby were to come they wouldn't have to gallop across the castle. The next day there was a huge ruckus outside our window, it was Celestia calling Moon Shadow's parents peasants and sending them off. I flew of my balcony even though flying with a baby on board is hard I did it. I landed between Moon's parents an Celestia's guards. His mother ran up an hugged me, "Hello Luna and, Hello to you too." she started to rub my stomach. Of course I didn't want her to but I had no choice. His father just gave me a simple hug. "Ugh, it's disguising how you let such peasants, touch you in such away." Celestia stated. I turned around "Look who's talking, you whorse!" Celestia gasped, Star Shadow, Moon's mother started to laugh uncontrollably. His father, Crescent Moon chuckled. I gave them a tour but as soon as they walked inside their room mother pulled me aside like she would when I was a filly and I had done something wrong. "How dare you call your sister such a name! It is rude, unpleasant, and highly unladylike!"

She snorted. "Would you know what else is all those things but worse?" I snapped back,"My sister calling my husband's parents peasants! How do feel about that mother?!?" I was in her face my eyes narrowed and my body ready to fight. "Luna, I am do disappointed in you first you call your sister a horrible name then you lie and try to sabotage her! Your foal must be messing with your brain!" "Oh, but sweet Luna isn't lying," me and my mother looked up to see Crescent Moon and his wife Star Shadow beside us...

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