Chapter 7

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The event moved to the ball room where the reception was held. My beloved friend Diana Pie, Pinkie Pie's great great great great great grandma hosted the party. It was the most exciting celebration ever. The servants handed out the food and then my father made a toast. With his coat as dark as the night sky and his flowing mane as silver as the moon he said " I am now the happiest father in Equestria to know my favorite daughter-" my mother punched his stomach. I could tell she was saying that he couldn't pick favorites. I giggled at Tia she was frowning so hard it looked like she was having a constipation issue. Then my father continued " sorry, my youngest daughter found a mate that I actually approve of unlike Celestia." Everypony laughed Tia walked out full of anger two of her guards followed her. Finally my father finished the toast and mother went after Tia. Father came up and hugged me and shook hooves with Moon Shadow. "Welcome to the family son." Moon Shadow smiled "Thank you sir." We had an excellent gathering until my annoying sister rose the sun...

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