Chapter 49

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(I have another surprise for you! For these couple of chapters Cotton Candy will be narrating! Yay!")


After napping while Luna was planning I decided on spending time with the one I loved most, my little ray of sunshine Celestia. When I opened her, I mean our bedroom door she was still in her bed. The sun should have been rising by now. "Celestia~a time to wake up." She didn't move a single muscle. Then I climbed on top of her and gave her a big juicy kiss. Her eyes opened. "Good morning Celestia." I said nuzzling her cheeks. She yawned, "Good morning Candy." She got out of bed to raise the sun. The sunrise and sunset were the two most beautiful times of day in my opinion. "Ready for breakfast?" She smiled. I nodded, then she wrapped her wing around me and we started to walk. Her white alicorn wings were so soft, and warm. As we walked I always nuzzled her coat just so I could see her blush. When we got to the dinning hall one of Celestia's servants bowed and said "For today's breakfast the chefs will be severing banana pancakes for her highness and apple and cinnamon muffins for the mistress." Then two other servants came with a plate covered in a tin lid. "Breakfast is severed." Said the first servant again. The other two opened the lids. Celestia licked her lips as she saw her pancakes. I giggled and started to eat my muffin, the first bite was soft, before I could take the second bite Celestia started to cover her mouth. "What is it Sunshine?" "Nothing...Candy just continue eating." She giggled. I took the second bite, but there was something hard in it, so I spit it out.

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