Chapter 5

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As soon as I opened my mouth she smirked and walked off. Then Moon Shadow broke our hug and kneeled down and took a small velvet box out from under his wing. I gasped. "Dear Princess Luna, The Ruler of The Night, will you marry me?" Moon Shadow opened the box inside laid a beautiful golden ring. "Yes! Of course I'll marry you!" I kissed his snout. Then he put the ring on my horn. We kissed for a while then we spread the news. Finally something I could brag about to Celestia! I didn't want to act to excited so I gently trotted to her room and opened it without knocking.

I was such a rebel back then. She was in her bed with a stallion, I didn't know who he was, Tia had a different stallion every week. "Yes, Luna can't you see I'm busy?" she glanced at the stallion then me. " Yes I can Tia but I just wanted to tell you that Moon Shadow and I are getting married" Celestia's eyes widened "What are you talking about?" She signaled the antonymous stallion to wait in the other room. He got up and left. "What do you mean 'getting married ' ?" I stood up straight " Exactly that." "Don't you need my blessing or something?!?" "If you were the queen, dear sister. But thankfully your not." I said as I walked out slamming the door. I smiled at what I just did.

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