Chapter 51

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"Luna! Luna! Where are you Luna?" I could hear Cotton Candy al the way down the hall. I opened my study door "I'm in my study Candy!" I yelled in return. Before I could even sit back down and continuing my plans to the Winter's Festival Cotton Candy ran inside my study and sat down. "I'm getting married!" She said excitedly. But I didn't smile, I frowned for a bit processing what she just said then gave her a fake smile. "How exciting! I guess your going to be the castles newest princess." I said gritting my teeth and biting my tongue trying not to say the hurtful things I really wanted to say. She was to happy to notice my behavior. She kept talking about where she want the wedding and who was going to be there. While I wrote down her list of wedding ideas I kept planning the festival. Simple magic multitasking, well at least for me. My sister found it incredibly hard and says I am talented to do such things. Then Cotton Candy looked at me, "Are you getting any if this?" She asked . I used my light blue magic to levitate the notepad with the list to her. "Oh, thank you Luna!" She said ripping the list from the notepad. She galloped off before I could say "Your welcome." I got up from my desk and removed the curtain from the window. The sun was barely up, I was tired , which ment I was weak. And I couldn't be weak with my dreams, dreams the felt more like visions into the future. I really didn't want to sleep so I would have those dreams. But I need rest, so I slowly walked to my room and plopped on the bed. With in five minutes I fell asleep.

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