Chapter 48

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"I what are you doing on my side of the castle?" I said staying calm and pushing my glasses up. "I know I'm not supposed to be over here but I wanted to settle this once and for all." She stated proving that she wasn't leaving unless we settle this. "Fine, but if you go over board I'm calling my guards in." She nodded, "I was just want to be friends again Luna, is that to much to ask?" "No. But I still cannot forgive you for what you have done." "What did I do Luna? What did Celestia do to you?" "Where were you when she put me in a dungeon for a month for yelling at her? Where were you when she use her magic to look like Sky and tried to rape me?" She looked at me not knowing what to say, "That's right, you were daydreaming about that WHORSE YOU LOVE!!!" "I'm sorry L-Luna, I-I didn't know..." "Well you should because I told you all of these stories, because I thought you were my friend..." I almost started to cry. "Luna, I'm sorry that I fell in love with your enemy, and I'm sorry that I mated with her but if you still don't forgive me, I lost the most loyal, kindest, honest, generous friend a mare could ask for." She said smiling at me. "Cotton Candy what you did was unfor-" Night Wing had opened the door "Your highness I have a report on my quest." He yelled startling Cotton Candy. I looked out my clock. "But it has only been a couple of minutes." "I know but I forgot something. I need the map to the stuff." "What stuff?" "You know the secret stuff!" "Oh, that stuff! It is in my drawer!" "Ok, hold up! What stuff? And what quest?" Cotton Candy yelled. "None of your business." I said getting my key to opened my drawer of secrets. "Luna, why won't you tell me." "We'll aren't you a pretty little filly," Night Wing said with his deep smooth voice. I looked up from under my desk "Night Wing your married." "I know, I know. I was just complimenting her." "She's dating my sister." "Your dating Celestia ?!?" "Yes, why is that so wrong?" "Because Celestia is a total creep. Once she tried to rape me in the hallway." "Night Wing! We didn't need to know that about my sister." "Sorry." He chuckled. "Here." I threw him the map, "Now leave." He nodded and flew out the room. "Now as I was saying." I said before clearing my throat," What you did was unforgivable to me. You betrayed me and that what makes this so unforgivable." "I understand Luna. I'll leave." "You didn't let me finish. But I forgive you, and ask would you like to assist me in planning this year's Winter's Festival?" She hugged me with all her might, "Of course I will Luna!" I hugged her back and smiled...

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