Chapter 13

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"Oh, how exciting!" she hugged me so tight I couldn't breathe, "Diana will host your shower and we'll invite all of your friends an-" "Mother calm down a bit, you'll wake Moon Shadow." "Doesn't he know darling?" "No,mother I'm scared he'll be upset with me." She caressed my cheek "Oh, sweet Luna. If he really loves you he wouldn't be upset." She hugged me tighter than before. " Ok my little ruler of the night I to go, but if you need any advice or help just call me." I nodded and hugged her back. She turned her bright light back on and flew back into outer space. I went back inside an sat on the couch I wondered when I should tell him about the foal, I wondered about how my father would react, what would Celestia do to make this happy moment miserable? "Luna? Where are you? Is the sun up yet?" " Go back to sleep honey, it was just me lighting a torch for the night. "Come snuggle with me for the rest of the night..." he mumbled. " You know how I feel about leaving my beautiful night unattended." He closed his eyes again and fell asleep.

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