Chapter 27

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After I rose the moon Starswhirl slept then at morning he let me sleep by sitting quietly in his crib and cuddling with his stuffed bear as if he was asleep. I guess he sensed that I had been stressed lately, because he had been quiet instead of crying his lungs out. I guess he matures faster than I thought he would. So I thought as a reward I would pack up my picnic basket, put Starswhirl I'm his stroller and go into town. He looked so excited to be outside castle grounds. He giggled nearly the whole way to the park. I grabbed the best picnic spot and settled there. Their was two oak trees that made the perfect amount of shade there, and we were on top of the hill so Starswhirl and I could run up and down on it. I was glad Starswhirl was old enough to eat foal food now or else I would have to nurse him in public. He galloped around a bit the stumbled over a rock. I covered my ears because it looked like he was about to cry. I suppose I covered my ears so well that I could only see his mouth opening and closing and him moving toward me. I uncovered my ears when I noticed there was no tears. "Mama." He said. But he wasn't old enough to start talking yet . I flapped my ear around to make sure I was hearing what I though I was hearing. "Mama!" He said louder. "That's right my child, I am your mother! Huzzah! My child was gifted with a great amount of intelligence!" I boasted. "Dadaa..." he said before he started to drool. "Your father isn't around, I don't think...I hope not..." I looked around then I saw Starswhirl pointing. I smiled cleaned up his puddle of drool then turned the way my little colt was pointing. I gasped, it was Moon Shadow having a picnic with a mare...

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