Chapter 30

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"Bon petit monsieur du matin est prêt." I said waking up Moon Shadow. "What?" I rolled my eyes and replied "Good morning, and breakfast is ready." He slowly got out of bed while I got in. "Aren't you coming Luna?" I snuggled under my blanket with matching sheet decorated with crescent moons. "I ate breakfast when it was still hot and fresh." I said before closing my eyes. At first all I saw was darkness then the moon and night stars appeared. Then I saw me talking to Celestia. Her eyes were green and her pupils red with purple smoke coming from her eyes, just like Sombra had before we banished him. Her horn gleamed of black magic then she used it on me. I couldn't breath, I couldn't hear, and I could barely see. All I saw was Sombra in his normal form. "Soon you'll join me,Luna and there's nothing you can do to stop it. But even when you are gone, the night will live on. You must fight with all your might, and avenge me." He said with a serious face. He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek then I woke up from my dream breathing heavily.

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