Chapter 24

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I threw Moon Shadow on the bed, "What do you mean I don't do everything?!?" I yelled into his ear. He sat up on the bed slowly and rubbed his ear. "Well, yes you don't do everything. I created him I..." My eyes narrowed, "I gave birth to him, I nurse, I feed, I clean after him, I bathe him, I rock him to sleep every night, I play with him! And all you did was made sure you got me pregnant." I snorted angrily. "I guess so..."he replied. "Get out," I mumbled he looked confused "I SAID GET OUT!! OUT OF MY CASTLE AND OUT OF ME AND STARSWHIRL'S LIVES!!" I used the royal as loud as I could. He looked at me, his eyes full of terror, and ran without grabbing anything, his armor, his prized possessions, nothing. I fell to the ground and started to cry. Once again I felt like a single mother...

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