Chapter 61

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I honestly had mixed feelings about Celestia's return. I was happy I no longer had to deal with her annoying guards but I was angry that I had to see her kissing all over my most beloved friend. When ever Cotton Candy talked to me I just gave her a fake smile, even though I really wanted to say some harsh words to her and my sister. But I kept my self together and stayed strong. We all walked inside, "Starswhirl, can you go fetch your father for me?" I asked so we mares could talk. My little prince nodded eagerly before galloping as fast as his little legs could carry him. "Having a foal seems fun, but..."Cotton said starting to look sad. I gave her a week smile, "I know it is sad but I might be able to help you. Meet me in my office tonight." I whispered as some of Celestia's guards trotted by looking at me suspiciously. I just gave them the same icy stare I give Starswhirl when he was in trouble. "Did you have any troubles while we were gone?" Celestia asked she must have saw the looks me and her guards just shared. "Don't even get me started with those arrogant fools." I rolled my eyes causing Celestia and Candy to laugh uncontrollably. I could not help it so I laughed with them. Then out of no where a celestial guard popped out of no where with a saddlebag on him, "A message from the land of the griffons!" He practically yelled in our ears, "Your highness." He bowed as grabbed a scroll from his saddlebag and gave it to Celestia. He darted of swiftly. "Hopefully they are delighted that we had visited!" Cotton Candy said her voice was fill of glee. "I hope so..." I said my suspicions grew as my sister expression changed from proud to full of sorrow and anger. "I have had enough with these cowards! They have started this and now they will pay!" Celestia said before dropping the scroll and storming off leaving her wife and I confused. I picked up the scroll and read it out loud, "Dear Princess Celestia and Luna, This is a Declaration of War. This war is starting because the eldest of you on her visit insulted our ways and our royalty verbally and physically. We will start training our troops we advice you do the same." I finished in shock. I looked at Candy who had the same expression. "What happened?" I asked. "I don't know. All I know is that Celestia left for some meeting with the royalty over there and came back really frustrated. "I will tell my messenger to send a warning to my parents, try to calm Celestia down." I ordered as I went to look for a quill, a piece of paper, and some ink...

===================Author's Note

I decided since this book reached not only over 60 chapters, but over 3 thousand views, and over 100 votes I would give you an author's note. So yay! Also a big shout out to Fireflare123 which is probably going to be one of the first ones to see this. I'm super impressed by how much she read she started to read today 10-26 and last time I checked she was on 51...I think so yay! :)


Dashie Poo

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