Chapter 57

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As all the bridesmaids walked out and head to the carriage father pulled me out of the group of mares. He lead me to a dressing room where we could talk. "Luna, you knew about this? And you didn't tell me?" He yelled his eyes were full of anger. "Father I-" he interrupted me. "No, I expected more from you! You keeping secrets from me isn't going to keep my trust!" He scolded he was getting louder. "Father please listen, I-" "No I am not tolerating such ignorance!" "Father I was just..." "First it was Celestia now it is you." "What are you talking about?!? I am so lost right know!" "I officially do not love any of my daughters anymore!" "You do not mean that! You are speaking nonsense!" In the corner of my eyes I can see the door opening. "No, Luna your stupid ass sister is speaking nonsense! Marrying a pony of the same sex? That isn't nonsense to you?!?" "Father please stop." I tried to calm him down I front of this pony. The pony sniffled, "Is that how you see me father..."she said, "am I just another pony you despise for being myself." "Celestia I..." I tried to soothe my sister's pain. "No, Luna I need to hear this myself." She pushed me to the side and walked up to father. "Is that really how you see me?" I started at father mouthing "Please don't do this." But he wouldn't listen. "Yes, that is exactly how I see you." He said with no sympathy or mercy in his voice. Celestia ran our the room with tear in her eyes. "Look what you did. She may never forgive you, and neither shall I." I said before running after my elder sister screaming, "Celestia please wait!" I had to use my magic to keep me from tripping over my dress. It's been an hour since Celestia ran somewhere in the chapel. Jewel, Creampuff and I searched almost the entire building. Then we came across a door with a sign that said "Roof Access" I thought about. "I'll be back." I said opening the door which lead to a ladder. "Darling would she even be up there?" I turned around, "Trust me I know Celestia the best. An one thing I learned is that she hides in the weirdest places while playing hide and go seek. They nodded. I flew up to the door to save some time. I opened the latch to see my sister playing with a piece of cloud. "It took long enough Luna. I thought I'd be up here for a couple of days." She let out a brief chuckle. "We'll I had to look at all the other weird places first." She giggled. I sat beside her. Back then we were the same height. You wouldn't have guessed she was 2 years older than me. We sat there in silence for a while. "Celestia, look I-" "It's alright Luna, I heard the while conversation. I know you tried to protect me. But now he doesn't love you anymore we are both nothing but a burden. Now neither if us have his trust...or love." Celestia kept playing with the small piece of cloud. I grabbed a piece from a near by cloud. "You now he still loves you." I said trying to make her feel better. She looked at me with narrow eyes, "This is not a game Luna, stop toying with me!" She yelled. "Sister, I am not toying with you. He cares for you just as much as he cares for me." Celestia used her hooves to smash the cloud to control her anger. "He told you to say these things didn't he?" I shook my head. "No, sister I'm telling the truth. You know I am a terrible liar." Celestia had cracked a little smile. "I guess your right..." she mumbled, "But that doesn't explain why he would say such things to you instead of talking to me." She said puff up the cloud again. "It is-" "It because I didn't want to hurt you." Father interrupted me.

The Truth Behind The Nightmare       (Luna's Side of The Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang