Funeral Service At Its Finest

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Some juicy stuff is gonna happen, not how you think ;)

POV: 3rd Person

Y/n: "Ha that was a nice lunch, I wonder how Xiangling knew I was gonna visit today. Well it doesn't really matter, at least she gave me the means to pin my vision to my clothes, tho' I'll get myself something more reliable soon." He told himself, making a mental checklist on what his next plans were.

Strolling around Liyue after eating always helped the male calm his easily upsettable stomache, it was only thanks to Xianglings help that he discovered a way to make his food less 'upsetting' for him. It was during his stroll that he decided to go through with his plan and so he made his way towards the infamous Wang Cheng Funeral Parlor, tho' he had to ask for directions mutiple times until he was finally able to find its location.

Y/n: "Whoever decided to hide the funeral parlor in some kind of alley to the side of the city surely tried his best to keep it away from the main street." He grumbled, mad he had to walk around so long, omly to learn it was right there the whole time.

Walking towards the doors he saw a familiar looking tall man blocking them, appearing to be deep in thoughts. The man wore a brown coat and wore his black hair in a ponytail, a geo vision dangling on a chain that was connected to the back of his coat.

Y/n: "Hey uhh..Hello? Anyone in there?" After several tries to shake the man out of whatever stasis he was in he decided to simply give him a little nudge.

???: "Oh? I apolegize, it seems I've gotten lost in thoughts again. Allow me to introduce myself, I go by Zhongli nowadays and I currently work as a consultant of the Wang Cheng Funeral Parlor." The male apolegized before giving his name, his deep voice suprising Y/n a little bit yet the general way he addressed himself was also weird, leaving Y/n to stare straight ahead in confusion. Realizing he was staring for too long the smaller male gasped and answered Zhongli's question.

Y/n: "Ah, where are my manners! I am Yun Y/n, current vice-director of the Yun-Han Opera House. I came to ask about some specific funeral details, would that be alright with you?"

Zhongli: "Well if it's about special funerals you've come to the right person, how may I assist you?" The black haired man answered calmly.

Y/n: "Well how do I put it, the information I need isn't for a new funeral. It's more of me trying to figure out if their funeral has already happened. You wouldn't happen to have a register with such information would you? Oh and don't worry the funeral I'm looking for is the one of a family memeber, so it shouldn't be a confidentiality problem right?" He asked while sheepishly rubbing his neck, afraid to make eye contact with Zhongli.

Zhongli: "Of course it wouldn't be a problem for a family member to see the files, but I still must confide in Master Hu, only she can grant you permission to see the files. Please follow me." He told his 'custumer' gesturing to follow him inside.

Much to Y/n's suprise the funeral parlor's interior design was very orientate around the colour red and what smelled like silk flowers. Each wall had its own special floral pattern and not one flower had the same shade of red as its neighbouring flowers.

Being seated on a brown chair close to a table with some megazines such as 'Teyvat's newest model' or the 'Mondstadt times'. He picked the later one up and started reading it for a bit, learning about the heroic deeds of a blonde haired heroine and her little companion in the process. His silent reading time was however interupted by the parlor's consultant whose voice startled Y/n quiet a bit.

Zhongli: "I apolegize once more, it was not my intention to startle you like that, I simply wish to inform you that Master Hu wishes to meet you in person. She awaits you behind the second door on the right, the door is marked with a golden silk flower pattern instead of a red one." He instructed, leaving through another door.

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