My Teacher Is A What?

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So I had absolutly no motivation or ideas for this chapter :I

POV: Xiangling

I was barely able to sleep, my worries for Y/n getting the better of me and so I spent the first few hours after his return by checking in on his sleeping form, quietly giggling whenever his position changed. The last time I checked on him he had engulfed Guoba in a loose hug, normally he'd try to get away as soon as possible, but during the night he was sweet enough to grant Y/n some comfort. Keeping his exhaustion in mind I let Y/n rest till now, but I think I should wake him up now, after all it is already early noon already.

And so I began my journey up to his room, carrying a tray with his favourite food and some medicine for a sore throat, Archons know his voice sounded more like a squeaky toy than anything yesterday. Arriving I noticed his bed was empty, luckily I noticed Guoba guarding the bathroom door otherwise I would've panicked by now. Listening closely I could hear the sound of a shower, tho' it stopped soon after. Knowing Y/n wasn't expecting me on here I quickly left the room, trying to avoid seeing him naked and all.

Hearing the bathroom door open I halted in my tracks, hearing slow footsteps, followed by a very quiet voice.

Y/n: "Xiangling? If you're outside you can come in, I already dressed myself." His voice sounded so quiet and frail, of course I turned around and entered his room again.

Upon entering I saw him sit on his bed, munching on one of the bread sticks I made for him.

Xiangling: "Come on, make some space for me!" I told him, taking over the rest of his bed. Scoting behind him I took out his favourite comb and started combing his hair, drying it in the process.

POV: 3rd Person

It was a calming silence, Xiangling continued using the comb on Y/n while the later continued to snack on the many bread sticks she made. This continued for a while before Y/n broke the silence between the two.

Y/n: "Hey Xianglin, you got any plans for today?" He asked her, turning around to face her in the process.

Xiangling: "Can't say I have, why? Wanna do something together?" She asked excitedly, jumping of the bed.

Y/n: "To some extend yeah. I've got to meet Hu tao back at the Funeral Parlor, she promised to contact a teacher for me and I'm kinda nervous. She mentioned something about them being...let's say not the nicest individuals. Anyway wanna come with me?" He questioned the still jumping Xiangling, who in turn calmed herself down a bit.

Xiangling: "Sure, come on and hurry up then! Can't have them waiting now can we?" She suddenly shouted, grabbing Y/n by the sleeves of his shirt, dragging him downstairs and out of the house.

As the two passed the Wanmin Restaurant Xiangling decided to finally slow down, allowing Y/n to catch his breath.

Xiangling: "Say Y/n, didn't Hu tao say to meet you by the Funeral Parlor?" She questioned her friend who in turn could only wheez as response, still catching his breath.

Y/n: "Hah, yes she did say that why?" The male was able to force out, still breathing heavily.

Xiangling: "Well 'cuz she's just standing over there by the Crafting Bench and it seems she's not the only one waiting for you." Following her gaze Y/n was able to make out the figure of Hu tao and her consultant Zhongli.

Not saying anything he walked past Xiangling towards the two, Xiangling of course followed after him. Stepping closer the two saw a rather concerned expression on Hu tao's face. Noticing thsound of footsteps closing in, the duo turned towards them.

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