An Underground Brawl!

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A whole Chapter written in Lumine's POV :D


???: "Kyaaa!" Another scream?! Was it the domain or did someone else fall down here?

Xiao: "That's Ganyu!" Really?! Wait a second, Xiao!

Lumine: "Xiao you're awake! We were starting to get worried. Are you ok?" I hope he didn't overwork himself trying to get to us.

Xiao: "Tch not now Traveler, that voice just now was Ganyu. It may be another trick of this domain but.." But Ganyu? Down here that's pretty unlikely. Wait did he just tch me!

Yelan: "But she could also really be down here." And as always Yelan appears out of thin air to finish someone's sentence.

Yanfei: "So the Domain is either trying to lure us into a trap or Ganyu is really down here is what you guys think, but why should Ganyu be down here too?" That's a good question actually.

Kuki Shinobu: "Well we already noticed that this domain is able to manipulate the way we feel, who says we haven't lost our sense of time as well?" It seems she set up the lavender melons already! Man I could really use some of that right now, but I can't miss this discussion!

Yelan: "I see what you mean. We could've been down here for days, weeks even without knowing. Yet I believe it is too early to disregard either of the two options, after all we don't have a way to confirm if her scream was real." Ugh why must everything be so confusing.

Together we formed a few theories for a bit longer, speaking about the possibility of different scenarios and else when another voice echoed through the domain.

Sara: "When I find that stupid Oni I will drag him to the Almighty Narukami Ogosho by his ear!" Is that...Kujou Sara?

Arataki Itto: "Not my ears! Ushi quick, we got 'ta hide!"

Ushi: "Mooh" Why did I expect an actual response...

Arataki Itto: "What do you mean 'we can't hide here'! "

Paimon: "Paimon still doesn't get how Itto can understand Ushi but at least Paimon doesn't have to deal with him!" Surrounded by toddlers... never expected to think that while fighting through a domain.

With a second voice now echoing through this cavern we decided to plan our next step ahead, but of course this led to Yelan and Xiao butting heads over Xiao's idea to use all his energy to slash a rift into the domain in hopes of allowing us to escape. Thankfully everyone, myself included, refused to accept such a reckless idea immediately, not because of the fact that we were unsure about its actual viability in this situation but more so because we refused to leave Xiao behind.

Yelan: "... So powerful attacks can affect the space itself down here, that's how you managed to get to us in the first place huh? But these few seconds nearly drained you, didn't they?" Her sharp eye really picks up anything, reminds me of Y/n, they both have a creepily good eye for details.

Paimon: "Wait a minute! Xiao, when you said you were going to get us all out safe... you excluded yourself didn't you! Does that mean you'd stay down here?!"

Xiao: "It would take everything I've got." How vague. But that is to be expected of him. That would mean yes...not acceptable

Yelan: "No, we won't allow you. We will leave this place together, no sacrefices are necessary right now." Seems Xiao struck a nerve there.

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