Very extensive Bio

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I also prepared this :) There's no spoiler in here


Name: Y/N

Last Name: Yun

Rating: 5 Star

Role: DPS

Energy creation: Medium

Info: As the youngest child of the Yun family Y/n grew up in the shadows of his sister Jin, also known as Yun Jin, unlike Y/n who wanted to be called by his first name Yun Jin was adamant to be called by either her full name or by her last name only. Not even her brother was allowed to call her Jin.

Origin: Liyue

Vision: Cryo

Weapon: Catalyst



Elemental Skill: Unforgiving Glacier

(Press)The user creates a small glacier that labels any enemy it hits with a 'Sigil of Frost' (5 seconds recharge time)

(Hold) A black glacier bursts from the ground and shatters upon impact with the enemy. Any enemy hit by the glacier will be labeled with a 'Sigil of Frost' (10 seconds recharge time)

Elemental Burst (80): Everfrozen Gates

The user opens up to five glowing rifts behind him, hurling out frozen spears and swords as his auto attacks. Enemies hit by the flung weaponry will be frozen solid, no hydro energy needed. (The amount of rifts will be increased by his first constellation)

'Sigil of Frost'

A sigil that may appear on a foe during combat with the Character 'Yun Y/n'. Once an enemy with the sigil is killed the character will recieve an enhanced amount of energy as a return.


Constellation: Speculum Mundi

Constellation 1: The Character 'Yun Y/n' will open seven instead of five rifts while using the skill 'Everfrozen Gates'

Constellation 2: The recharge time of 'Unforgiving Glacier' (hold) will be cut from 10 to 5 seconds

Constellation 3: The Skill Everfrozen Gates will be increased by 3 levels.

Constellation 4: Using the skill 'Unforgiving Glacier' (Hold) will decrease the enemies cryo resistance by 20%

Constellation 5: The Skill 'Unforgiving Glacier' will be increased by 3 levels.

Constellation 6: Killing enemies labeled with 'Sigil of Frost' may grant any character an additional 5% attack increase, this effect can be stecked up to 3 times/15%

Translated Constellation: Mirror of the world / Mirrored World


Idle animation:

- Creating a rose of ice while humming

- "Let us rest for a while, my feet are killing me"

- coughs slightly before attempting to fix his tie, fails to do so and slumps his shoulders in disappointment


-I can't just leave him...not like this.

- I failed...please run while you can

-Your five o clock is coming Hu tao


Voice lines:

Hello: "Greetings I am Yun Y/n, vice director of the Yun-Han Opera House."

About Opera: I do not dislike it, but I wouldn't say I like it either. Ironic isn't it?"

Rain: "Let's seek shelter, I'd rather not run in drenched clothes"

Snow: "Hm? Let's build a snowman while we're here!"

Thunder: "I don't fear lightning, but the the sounds that follow it do make me feel uneasy."

About Xiangling: "She was my first ever friend and I intend to keep her around. Also Guoba's hugs are the best you'll ever get!"

About Ganyu: "Sometimes I like to stop her while she is running around Liyue to 'discuss future plans of the Opera House' or something, I try to distract her from her task as much as possible, just to make sure she takes a mental break too."

About Xiao: "He's not the most sociable person but anything is possible, with enough Tofu that is. Despite his rather intimidating nature I can guarantee that he is an excellent teacher."

About Keqing: "I befrinded her unintentionally when I cooked Golden Shrimp balls, if you need a way to bribe her those would be my first try."

About Shenhe: "A cold but friendly individual, if you look past the first fifteen layers of homicidal tendencies. I'm more than happy to be her friend."

About Zhongli: "Mh? You wish to know my opinion of him? Well that's easy. He's very knowledgeable, something I like since I'm a fan of Liyue's history and its Fairytales. Plus as his boyfriend I cannot possibly speak ill of him!"


Other Characters about Y/n:

Xiangling: "He's my best friend in all of Liyue, besides Guoba of course. But don't tell him that!"

Keqing: "A kind and strong man and his cooking skill are quite good too, but he has this destructive tendency to bottle his emotions up."

Childe: "I don't know that much about him, but what I know is that one shouldn't take a battle with him lightly! His battle style can be descibed as 'reap what you sow' meaning you get what you deserve. For me that tends to be a black eye and a few bruises, our current score is 0:98 and i swear that I shall beat him before he scores 100 wins!"

Qiqi: "Oh! Qiqi remembers him....Big brother! Very kind and does about Qiqi's cold body. "

Xiao: "Mmph a strong mortal, both physically and mentally. You'll need to train some more before you can beat him, he was trained by me after all."

Shenhe: "Oh? You know him too? He's a very kind and caring person and also one of the first person that didn't mistake me as an Adepti. As my first friend I've sworn to protect him to the best of my abilities. We don't see eachother often but when we do he knows how to get a laugh out of me, it's a pity that he's already taken. Oh don't mind the last part.

Zhongli: "One of the very few people that reached my heart without even trying, I could watch his smiles and listen to his laughs forever. Ah excuse me I shouldn't ramble about my darling like that. How can I help you?"



This will be the last Bio for the time being so comment if you want me to add anything :)

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