PLs don't be mad lol

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Yes I do infact remember the existence of this story. Anyway After a lot and I mean A LOT of plotting and rearanging the 'plot', that is somehow missing in the first part with Osial, I've decided to just make Beisht's existence go *POFF*.

Why? I just don't want to and I have no idea how to involve Y/n in them. So for the sake of all it'll be said that you were visiting Barbatos for revenge etc..

Be unsupportive of this decision or bash it as much as you want, I don't care to be honest. I was debating if I even want to extent to the chasm or just stop, but I promised some of you to involve Ganyu and Sara in the Chasm quest.

Sorry of some of you are disappointed.

On another point:

The Queen's gone? I kinda found out through the thousands of dead memes about her on TikTok, which by the way should not be posted on the same day she died. How heartless do you have to be to hear that someone die and post a meme on the same day?! Imagine I'd sent you memes about your dead dog or something?

So insensitive.

Todaloo, see ya next week with a Chapter for this.

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