Chapter 1

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It's raining again. It's been raining a lot lately. Dad says if it keeps up we'll all have to evacuate and live someplace else. I wouldn't mind it; It'd be nice living in the city or even deep in the forest, but I know we can't afford to. Especially now that we're paying for dad's medical debt.

Our house could really use some repairs, it's literally falling apart. We had to sell all of our livestock so that they wouldn't starve and we only eat vegetables and fruit now. I study hard in hopes that I'll someday land a good job and make lots of money so we don't have to walk home in the rain like we are right now.

I'll buy us a car, and a house with a roof that doesn't leak and warm clothes for the winter. I'd buy my mom flowers and rent out a space for the coffee shop in the city she's wanted her whole life.

"Are you cold" my mom asks, bringing me back to the moment.

"no, no I'm fine. Sorry I zoned out" I said.

She laughs "for a second there I thought you left your body; here take your coat back it's getting really cold"

"it's fine mom, we're right up the street. I won't die before we get there" I said trying to sound as convincing as possible; when in reality I'm freezing my ass off.

She rolls her eyes then continues walking "If you catch a cold you won't be able to work, if you aren't able to work you'll get fired. Do you really want to work out there in the fields again? Remember the grasshopper incident?" She says; holding back her laughter.

"it was really big! It had to be mutated or something! They're going to take over the world someday, you just wait and see!" I explain, she just laughs and nods like I'm a crazy person but she knows I'm right.

After a while we reach our old, ragged house and mom heads inside to make dinner. I dread coming home now that there's been heavy rain. There are buckets all over the place and I always, without fail; kick one over. I spend most of my time in the barnyard, it's my dad's pride and joy.

He built it from the ground up and it's pretty well-built in my opinion. There aren't as many leaks in the barn so I sleep here every night. It's quiet and peaceful, I like to come here and escape for a while. It's nice to not think about work or my incredibly boring social life. I have to deliver orbs (similar to generators) all day tomorrow on foot, I hate to think about it honestly.

Hopefully the people I deliver to are decent this time, most of them try to hit on me and then either continue to aggressively pursue me or get violently angry when I explain that I'm a guy. I hate my job, I really do. I wish I could land a job in the city, any job will do honestly. I lie down on my back and close my eyes as I try to calm my mind "calm down Shiloh, it'll be over before you know it" I say to myself out loud; trying to give myself the strength I need. The next morning I woke up before sunrise, ate leftovers and made my way to Sunland (Shiloh's job) on foot.


Today is really windy and chilly, there are puddles of water everywhere and there are rain drops still dripping from the trees. My rain boots are covered in mud and I'm still wearing the clothes from yesterday, I look terrible honestly. At times like these I can only think about what my grandma would say, It'd be something similar to "it's a job not a fashion show" and she'd be right. Once I finally arrived at Sunland I was given my load for the day, today it's 70 pounds which sucks. I borrowed a wagon from them to haul my load in, and by borrowed I mean I stole it. It costs money to rent those things! I can't even afford a haircut! Anyway, once I loaded my wagon I was on my way.

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