Chapter 42

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(Xena's pov)

My team was supposed to contact me by midnight last night. I haven't heard back from them, that's not good at all. Whoever is wiping out my men is either heavily armed or extremely skilled.

My team is pretty good, so the fact that they've wiped them out is insane.

My phone rings, bringing me back to the moment. "Hello?"

"Hello, Ms. Bolt. There's a package here for you and it's pretty big would you like for us to bring it to your house?"

It's a call from the office.

I can already guess what's in that package.

"No need. I'll come get it myself. Thank you, Charlene"


I had my little gift moved to an open field, and got all of my best men together to open this package with me, just in case.

Electra pulls up, gets out and walks up to the crate pointing her rifle at it.

"Alright I'm here. Open it...."

Two of my men began prying it open with crowbars until it finally popped open. Inside there's an iron box with a padlock on it, that they then broke off with a crowbar. Everyone readied their weapons as Electra and I approached the box and opened it.

The smell of hot, rotting flesh almost floored me. Inside the iron box were the 7 severed heads of my men. None of them had teeth, noses, eyes, eyelids, tongues, or ears. They were definitely put to death after being tortured.

"Holy hell...." Electra says in disbelief.

"Smile.... you're on camera" says the automated message.

Electra flips them off before I slam the box shut.

"Find out who did this and report back to me" I said, fuming.

"Right away ma'am!" They replied


(Shiloh's pov)

Xena stepped out this morning and she still isn't back. She said when she got back she'd take us home, but I was kind of hoping we'd all hang out more.

"What's wrong dear? Is the food too salty?" Lola asks

"Huh?....oh, no! It's perfect! I've a lot on my mind"

"Ah,'s the break up isn't it?"

Jude and I share a look then look back at Lola. "Uh....yeah. it's that."

"We'll, don't think too much about it. Your first love will always hurt the most. But, your last love is most important"

"Yeah.... you're probably right"

There's a knock at the door and Lola excuses herself to go answer it.

"Did you get a chance to talk to Xena?"

"Yeah...I just cried the whole time, I'm so embarrassed"

"Well, what did she say?"

"She just basically called me a crybaby" I smile

"She's not wrong"


"Glad I didn't miss breakfast" Xena says joining us at the table.

"You're back sooner than I thought" Jude exclaimed.

"Yeah, where'd you go anyway?"

"I had to do boring work stuff, nothing exciting" she said flatly, while spreading jam neatly on her English muffin.

"Oh, okay. What do you guys have planned for the day?"

"Studying, unfortunately. I've been really slacking off" Jude bemoaned

"Same here, this break up has been rough for me so....anyway, what about you Xena"

"Work. I have lots to do." She gets up from the table "I'll be in my office, just let me know when you're ready to go"

"Sure, okay" I smile weakly at her and she nods, then leaves.

"Are you sure you guys made up? It seems like you made things worse"

"What?! There's no way she's mad at me! We didn't even argue. She probably just didn't sleep well or something."

"Yeah, maybe.....just for the record, I'm definitely not gonna be the one that knocks on the door when we're ready to leave"

"I'm not either!"

"You have to!"

"Absolutely not, Jude!"

"Rock, Paper, Scissors?"

"Enough boys, I'll let her know when you're ready to go. Eat your breakfast" Lola reassured us, laughing softly as she passed by the table.


(Xena's pov)

This whole situation is stressing me out. I need answers but I'm suspicious of everyone.

"Knock, knock " Lola smiles as she enters the room "you look stressed, how are you holding up?"

"I-uh..... I'm fine"

"You don't seem fine. What was in the package?"

"More like who was in the package...."

"Dear, Lord "

"It was pretty bad."

"I bet....if you need someone to talk to-"

"I know. Thanks, Lola"

She nods and smiles halfheartedly "the boys are ready when you are"

(In the car)

" There's no way you believe that!" Jude gasps

"Chex is the best cereal? You're kidding" Shiloh says in disbelief.

"I didn't say it was the best.....I said it was one of the best cereals of all time" I say shyly

"Which one is the best in your opinion?" Jude asks

I clear my throat "........ honeycomb"

"That--.....that's a respectable answer"

"Respectable?!!! They barely even taste like anything!" Jude argues.

"Oh, would you look at that... we're here!"

"This isn't over" Jude says stepping out of my vola.

"Thanks for the ride"

"No, problem. You two enjoy the rest of your day" I turn my vola off and unfasten my seatbelt.

"Oh? Are you working here today?" Shiloh asked.

"Uh, yeah. I'll be here 'til 7"


I laugh "see you later Shiloh"

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